XML Balances

XML Balances is an Advanced Module

For those who utilise our Advanced Reporting Module, the output of 'Balances Owing' as XML is a powerful and efficient way to allow Clients to make payments of their outstanding balance, using your own payment gateway.

Automated Process

On a scheduled basis, the Outstanding Balances owed by each Client, for each of their Departures (if they are on multiple), is compiled into an XML formatted document that is uploaded to a nominated URL address.  The specific details of this process are configured at the time of set-up, in a one-time only task.  

Technical IT staff either in-house or from your web hosting provider, will need to be involved to implement their part of this syncing sequence.

Once the formality of the configuration is complete and tested, this process will run in the background as per the scripted schedule.  This is usually on an hourly or  bi-hourly schedule, during business hours.

There is also a button on the Finance Reports menu, where this update process can be run manually, anytime, by a user.

Informing Clients of their balances

Within any email, define a button or link which contains the URL of your online payment page, your clients can go directly to your dedicated webpage and make a payment.

Eg: Button URL would look like this:



Options 1 - Using Odyssey's configurable HTML template emails (see related articles below), the actual 'Balance Owing' by each Client and their Reference Number, can be included in a personalised email. 

Option 2 - If external accounting solutions are used (eg; Xero), the same button could be configured and emails sent from that application.  Using this process will require the Reference Number to be populated in a field on the Clients record.  

Locating the Reference Number

The Reference Number is a 'non-editable' number, which is automatically created by Odyssey.  

It can be located in a couple of places in Odyssey as a reference field.

On the Booking  | Details  page.

And on the Departure | Bookings page.

Quick Access - Client Search

The Reference Number can also be searched for using any of the Quick Access 'Client Search' pop-up windows.  

Enter the FULL Reference Number for the correct Booking to display.  It is then possible to click on the Client's Booking to display it.

Paying a Balance - Steps done by the Client

Step 1 - Clients will be directed to this page when they click the button / link, within the email:

  • Step 2 - Populating the Reference number and Surname fields (details included in their email) will direct clients to this page:

  • Step 3 - Populating the Name and Email fields and pressing 'Continue' will direct clients to this page:

  • Step 4 - 'Continue to Secure Payment'
  • Step 5 - And finally to the payment submission page.

  • Step 6 - Credit Card details are populated. Pressing 'Continue' will complete the transaction...

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