Tour | Bookings Settings - Booking Status

Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Tour Booking Settings / Booking Status

All Bookings within Odyssey have a selectable 'Status'.  This field defines subsequent workflows and inclusion / exclusion considerations when running reports or displaying records throughout Odyssey.

The field is searchable and also provides a user friendly colour indicator.

  • From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Tour|Booking Settings
  • Click Booking Status

Company specific Booking Status list

Booking Status options

  • INCLUDED in ALL calculations
  • Not included in PAX Reports, But all Costs WILL be included in the Financials
  • Included in PAX counts, but NOT included in Financial Reports
  • NOT included in financial reports or PAX, but NOT cancelled
  • NOT included in ANY Financial Reports - Eg: 'Cancelled'

  • Clicking on an entry will pop-up a window, allowing changes.
Booking status options for "Confirmed"
  • Hovering over the options will display further explanations of the options.
  • Clicking the Default tickbox will ensure that this Booking Status is the default for all new bookings.

Where is the booking status field used?

  • The booking status field is used on the Booking | Details | Details tab
Booking | Details | Details tab, showing the Booking Status drop down list
  • and is a search criteria in multiple searches