Client Settings - Fitness/Experience

The Fitness/Experience settings screen is used to define the varying client fitness levels used in drop down lists.

Main Menu | Settings | Booking Settings | Fitness/Experience

To edit or change the Fitness settings

  • From the Main Menu | Settings | Client Settings menu
  • Click the Fitness/Experience button 

  • Click once on a record to change it, or click the + Fitness button to add a new fitness level
Editing the Fitness Settings
  • Enter a Description for the fitness level
  • Enter a sort order for this fitness level; this determines the order of this fitness level in drop down lists
  • Enter a short code to describe this fitness level
  • Select a settings status of Active for new fitness levels
  • Change the setting status to Archived if this fitness level is no longer in use

Where is the Fitness/Experience setting used?

The Fitness/Experience settings control a drop down list which is used on the Booking | Personal | Medical tab

and these details are then displayed in paperwork outputs, such as the Client Details Sheet, or the Bike Set up Sheet

Bike Details Set up sheet

Client Details list