Provider Settings - Payment types

From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider, select Payment Types

From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider, select Payment types

The Payment type settings screen is used to populate a drop down list used to describe the various payment options that your Providers might prefer, for example, Cash, Credit, Invoice or Own Care

Admin | Settings | Payment types

Click once on a payment type record in settings to change it.

Creating a new payment type

Enter a description, e.g. Credit card

The account code field enables you to optionally enter a General Ledger code, for accounting purposes, from a drop down list

Enter a Short Code

The status of this payment type can be set to Active or Inactive

Where is the payment drop down list used?

  • The Payment Types settings control a drop down list which is used on any [Departure/Trip] | Providers screen
Using the payment type drop down list on a Departure level Accommodation record
  • The drop down list is also available on the Provider Price screen
The Provider record, showing their preferred payment type
  • and the value is shown on some reports, such as the Guide Departure summary sheet, so that Guides on guided tours know what the payment arrangements are with this provider
Paperwork, showing the Provider's preferred payment type, if it has been specified