Provider Settings - Accommodation Types

From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider, select Accommodation Type

Accommodation types (generic)

The Accommodation types settings screen allows you to set up the options used in drop down lists to specify the room offerings of Accommodation providers; eg Double Room or Twin share

These are generic high level selections and do not effect actual room allocations/selections/rates.  

They are primarily used in email communication. Indicating a Client's room type 'preference', when it is up to the Accommodation Provider to assign the actual rooms.

This field is not usually used by companies who require fine level accommodation selections to determine their chargeable accommodation rates.

Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider Settings | Accommodation types

To change the Accommodation types:

  • From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider Settings | Accommodation types
  • Click the + Accommodation Type button
  • Enter a Description, a Sort order which defines the order of this item in the drop down list, and ensure it's setting status is set to Active if it is still in use.

Where is it used?

The Accommodation drop down list is used in the Departure | Bookings | Sharing Tab

Departure | Bookings | Sharing Tab

This sharing information can be sent to the Providers.