Resources - Accessories

From the Main Menu | Admin | Resource | select Accessories

From the Main Menu | Admin | Resource | Accessories

The Resource - Accessories settings screen is where you set up the list of non chargeable accessories, e.g. Helmet, locks, for use in drop down lists.

Accessories are FREE OF CHARGE

Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Resources | Accessories

Click once on a record to change it.

The Accessories detail screen has three tabs.  

  • In the Details tab you can enter the description,
  • include an image by clicking the Choose button,
  • change the status from Active to Inactive,
  • and specify the Account code for charging purposes.  
Accessories | Details

The Available tab allows you to specify the Trails on which this accessory can be used 

Accessories | Available

The Specifications tab allows you to enter features of the product, and to include links to text and photos of the product. 

Where are Accessories used?

The accessory drop down list is used in the Departure or Booking | Resources | Accessories tab

Departure or Booking|  Resources |Accessories

Accessories appear in various pieces of paperwork such as the Client Details sheet

Client Details Sheet, showing accessories

and the Bike set up sheet

Bike set up sheet