Net Values Report

Pivot tables are an advanced module

The Net Values Report provides you with a report on the net sales values of your bookings THIS SEASON, as at a specific date (Net values being Wholesale values, less tax)

  • From the Main Menu, choose Finance | Reports | Net Values - As at date ..

  • specify the season, and the date on which you would like the report calculated.  (This will report from the beginning of the season, to the selected date)
  • Select the category (e.g. commission, or package)  from the drop down list, or choose all 

  • Select from one of two options for summarising, which is optional. 

Without selecting these options, the report would list you will get all the clients/trips/categories - which would be a very long report.  The two options provide you with alternate ( shorter ) views of the same data.

Summaries by Category & Trip only - would print the summary headings for the Category and trip level details 

Summaries by Category only  - would give you values for, and summarise by the Categories only, which is a much shorter report.  

  • Click Continue


Once you have the report on your screen, further sorting options are available by pressing the sort button circled below

Tip:  For a break down of the summary information, on summarised reports, hover over a line (it will change to a peachy colour), and double click.  A pop up window will appear showing you which records contributed to this summary.  

Pivot tables


Once you have searched for the data you are seeking, Odyssey provides an easy way to summarise, organise and present that information into views that suit your business' own needs.  Introducing Pivot Tables!

To learn more about Pivot tables, click here