How to move a person or a bike to a different shuttle

  • People and bikes can both be moved to different shuttles, on an individual basis, by the Depot staff
  • Moving a person to a different shuttle

Individual people can be moved to a different shuttle.  This process is designed to give you ultimate flexibility, for example to move one or two people from a group onto a new shuttle.  If all of your group are moving to a different shuttle, each individual will need to be moved.

  • From the Depot | Daily | Full Diary and Manifest menu, select the day your passenger is travelling
    • Or, for faster access, go straight to the People Movement view

  • Click in the Client's column, for the shuttle record you wish to change

  • To the left hand side of each passenger, will be a change option - click on the passenger you wish to move to a different shuttle

  • A change window will appear, with a drop down list enabling you to select a new shuttle time for this passenger.  Choose a new time from the drop down list.  

Your passenger has now been moved to a different shuttle

Moving a bike to a different shuttle

Individual bikes can be moved to a different shuttle.  This process is designed to give you ultimate flexibility, for example to move one or two bikes from a group onto a new shuttle.  If all of a group are moving their bikes to a different shuttle, each individual bike will need to be moved.

  • From the Depot | Daily | Full Diary and Manifest menu, select the day your passenger is travelling
  • Click on the Bikes tab  

    • Or, for faster access, go straight to the Bike Movement view

  • To the left hand side of each passenger, will be a change option - click on the passenger whose bike movement you want to move to a different shuttle

  • A change window will appear, with a drop down list enabling you to select a new shuttle time for this bike movement.  Choose a new time from the drop down list.  

This bike movement has now been moved to a different shuttle