Override Rate

Booking | Provider Records (Accommodation, Activity, Transport, Meals, Other) all contain the option to Override the Rate which has been pulled through from the Departure, which in turn was pulled through from the Master record.

  • Click once on the Override button

The rates currently in use are displayed:

The Current Finance figure (in green), and the current Booking Rate.  

  • To override the figures, simply enter a new figure in EITHER of the NEW Rates Boxes (depending on why you are overriding, see below), then click the Apply button
You may need to change the Finance Rate because the Provider has advised you of a special rate for this particular instance.  The Finance figure should match the Provider's invoice.
You may need to change the Booking Rate because you are going to increase or decrease the Rate charged to the client
Tip:  the type of Departure is noted at the left hand side, top of the window.  In this case, it's a Custom Departure.  As the note advises, if this is a Custom Departure, enter the whole new rate.  If it is a Package Departure, just enter the variation, e.g. 50.00 or -50.00

Do you want to know why some rates are orange, and some green?  Click here