Resource - Inventory
Inventory is an Advanced Module
From the Main Menu | Admin | Resource | select Inventory
The asset inventory list is your company's list of the various individual Bike/asset items that you hold stock of. For each single item of stock that you hold, add another item to the asset inventory list. If you have 20 small ebikes, create an inventory item for each one, recording a unique asset "Identifier" for each one.
To add an inventory item
- Click the + Inventory button
The identifier is your unique code for this one asset. It could be the serial number, or a number you "stick" on the bike. This is a freeform text field, to enable you to enter the unique number.
Select Model and Size from the drop down lists
Select a location from the drop down list. Learn more about this here.
Type any relevant notes for the office about this bike asset.
Select the appropriate status for this asset, active or archived
To switch to the sizes view
- Click the Sizes button