Pivot tables - 14 Days - Bike set up

Pivot tables are an Advanced Module

To assist with rostering, and scheduling at Depot level, there is now a 14-day Bike set-up Pivot Table. This is a one-click function, which removes the need to first make Ad-Hoc selections.

  • From the Main Menu | Depot | Diary

Main Menu | Depot | Diary, Pivot Table - 14 Days - Bike set up

  • Set the Date on the right hand side of the screen to be the starting point for the 14 days,
  • then click the Pivot Table - 14 Days - Bike set up button
The resulting pivot, showing a Bike count
  • This gives you a count of bikes in the selected 14 day period
  • Add the Model, and Size fields to the vertical axis and the date field to the horizontal axis
  • this can now be sorted into chronological order with the addition of the date at field
The resulting pivot showing any bike requirements in the 14 day period, along with a model and size breakdown