Pivot tables - 14 Days - Bike set up

Pivot tables are an Advanced Module

To assist with rostering, and scheduling at Depot level, there is now a 14-day Bike set-up Pivot Table. This is a one-click function, which removes the need to first make Ad-Hoc selections.

  • From the Main Menu | Depot | Diary

Main Menu | Depot | Diary, Pivot Table - 14 Days - Bike set up

  • Set the Date on the right hand side of the screen to be the starting point for the 14 days,
  • then click the Pivot Table - 14 Days - Bike set up button
The resulting pivot, showing a Bike count
  • This gives you a count of bikes in the selected 14 day period
  • Add the Model, and Size fields to the vertical axis and the date field to the horizontal axis
The resulting pivot showing any bike requirements in the 14 day period, along with a model and size breakdown