How to add Contact Property URL's to buttons in MailJet

In Odyssey

There are six fields in Odyssey which are used as "Contact Properties" in MailJet.

These are

  • L3URL1
  • L3URL2
  • L3URL3

They are used to insert links relevant to specific departures, onto buttons in the email template. These links could be to an online photo library specific to this departure, or a link to that specific tour on your website.

Enter the URL in the Content URL field, and then click away. Odyssey then goes away and creates a shortened "Tiny" URL field name for this URL, which will appear on the right hand side of the page. Simply put, this tiny URL just makes the process easier for everyone in the chain of events that follow! (The full URL created for the populated Cognito Form is too long and complex for MailJet)

and for use with Cognito Forms

  • urlformpersonal
  • urlformagree
  • urlformprovider

Learn more about Cognito Forms and integration with MailJet here

In MailJet

  • To add a button which will contain a link to one of your departure specific URL's, or to one of the Cognito forms, open your MailJet template and add a button to your email template, and then add a label to it e.g. Trip Memories
Add a button to your template
Label your button
  • Add a variable to the button
Click the new button so that a mini menu appears, and click the variable button
  • Click on your new button, and click on the Variables button from the menu that appears
  • Set the type of variable field to "Contact property" if it isn't already

    and then choose from one of the contact properties in the list

    These are likely to be

    • L3URL1
    • L3URL2
    • L3URL3
    • urlformpersonal
    • urlformagree
    • urlformprovider
Choosing L3URL3 contact property
  • Click Copy to Clipboard

  • Paste the clipboard text into the URL field.

  • NOTE this pasted text will now need to have last three characters inside the {{ }} removed, as they will prevent you from being able to click the Apply button. The characters to be removed are colon, double quote, double quote

The URL field should look like this

a form variable field will look like this:

A form field will look like this

  • Now click the Apply button


If these don't work, does the client have contact properties loaded in MJ?

Note: Each time an email is sent from Odyssey, these contact properties get sent to the Contact record for the sender? in our Client's MailJet account.

MJ/Contacts/All Contacts/e.g. properties