Company Settings - Company Settings

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Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Company Settings

Geographic terminology

These settings allow our clients to select the terminology, such as metric or imperial, based on their geographic location

Geographic Selections

With the on/off slider set to black (off)

  • Kilometres will be used as the term for Distance
  • Dates will be Displayed as DD/MM/YY

With the on/off slider set to orange (on)

  • Miles will be used as the term for Distance
  • Dates will be Displayed as MM/DD/YY

Company-wide BCC address

Some of our clients prefer that blind carbon copies of emails go to one generic email address within the business, rather than to each logged in Odyssey user.  If that's the case for your business, enter the generic email address required for ALL BCC emails, and then individual logged in Odyssey users will not receive the BCC's.