Using this manual

Odyssey – User manual

This online manual is arranged into the chapters in the left hand navigation panel.

Use the navigation panel to expand or retract subject headings, to location a topic of interest.

There are several distinct topic/chapter headings. For example within BOOKINGS there is a chapter dedicated to Details. Within that topic are sub-topics, nested beneath. There are chapters dedicated to Clients, one for Payments… and so on.

As you read the chapter(s) that are relevant to your needs, you may come across links that provide a pathway to additional or associated information and guidance located within other chapters. To explore these further, just click the link to go to that topic. These links are shown in an orange font.

If you feel that we have not included a topic you need, if the information contains errors or is unclear, or if you have any questions or comments, please let us know at:

Quick start guide

This provides basic instructions outlining the steps required to create a 'Master' then a date specific 'Departure', and assign 'Clients' to it. 

Best Practice chapter explains some real world scenarios and ways to use Odyssey to support those.

Full topic details

The remainder of the manual chapters provide full explanations of the processes and features for each aspect of the Odyssey solution. Screen shots have been included to illustrate and support the detailed text.