Company Settings - Countries

Country settings are managed from the Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Countries

Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Countries



To Create a New Country

      • Click the + Country button
      • Enter a Description and a short code for the Country.  The short code is used in places where the full name is too long for the space available
      • Select a Sort order for the Country from the drop down list - up to 99 available.  The sort order controls the sequence of the country in the countries list, grouping them together as you require.

Where are countries used?

Countries can be used for drop down lists in:

  • L1 settings, e.g. the top level of your data pyramid, so that all Masters and subsequent Tours are based off this country, and reporting is done by countryt

Note: if you create a new country, here are the process we recommend you follow up with: