Cancelling and/or Deleting a Departure / Tour
Occasionally you may wish to cancel a Departure/Tour; perhaps the group has pulled out, or the Departure has been entered twice.
To cancel a Departure
Before a Departure can be deleted, it has to be cancelled
A cancelled Departure can still appear in your Departure/Tour Dashboard, if your dashboard is filtered to show cancelled departures. Deleted Departures/Tours do not appear in your records at all, and the Departure code can be reused for a subsequent Departure.
- From the Departure | Details | Details tab, choose 'Cancelled' from the Departure/Tour Status drop down list. (Please contact us if Cancelled needs to be added to your Tour Status drop down list)
- a Departure Cancelled date field will then appear, choose the date the trip was cancelled from the calendar view
- The Departure/Tour has now been cancelled
- However, it has NOT been deleted
- The tour can be left if this cancelled state, if you wish to still see it in the Dashboard
- Cancelled departures can still be found and reported on
Cancelled Departures/Tours will show in Departure Dashboard in grey text, with a line through it.
Remember, you can use the Filter options in the Options panel to the right of the Departure/Tour dashboard to view Departures/Tours with different statuses, active, cancelled, checked or whatever your own Departure/Tour Status options are in your company settings
Now, delete the Departure
After entering the cancellation date, the Delete button will appear. Clicking this button will permanently remove the Tour from your system. There is no undo.