
The Dashboard shows you a month by month list of all Departures

Log in to Odyssey, and from the  Main Menu on the left hand side, click once on Depot.

The Depot Dashboard view lists Departures for the selected month.  Months can be changed from the list across the top, and a different season can be selected from the drop down  list at the top right of the window.  

The list can be filtered by Trail, so that only selected trails are displayed in the liust.

The list is sorted by date of the month initially, and shows the trip code, the departure name, the master on which it was based, the number of people booked, and a "new" indicator (read more on that below).

Any departure leaving today is identified with an  orange band underneath it
Hovering over a departure, a little tip box pops up, showing us the name of the group, the type of trip, and how many days long this trip is.

Some departure codes are listed in  bold, and some aren’t – that’s because the ones in bold have been “  released”.  (We list the unreleased trips here too, in light grey, to give you an indication of what bookings could possibly come up)

New Flag

View of the "New" Flag on the Departure Dashboard

The New Flag is designed to highlight to the Depot staff that a new Departure has come in from the Reservations team.   (This could be a released, or unreleased Departure).  Once the Depot staff have reviewed the booking, and taken it into account in their Depot planning, they can turn the "New" switch off on the Details view of the Departure.  The purpose of the flag is so the Depot can identify any last minute bookings slipping in...  And it's up to the Depot to turn the flag off, indicating they KNOW about it. 

Depot view of a departure, showing the "New" flag

Sorting the List

It is possible to sort the list by Day, Code, or Description, to make it easier to find the record you are looking for.  Simply click on the heading of the field you wish to sort by, and the order of the records in the list will change accordingly.  

Filtering the list to make it shorter

Depending on the time of year, and your particular business, this departure list may potentially get quite long, so Odyssey provides ways of shortening this list for you.  
The right hand side of the screen displays a set of filters  (7.) and (8.)
  • To display only released departures, ticking the box beside released only
  • To display only certain trails, add or remove ticks from the individual trails.  Note that you can show all the trails again, or turn them all off, by clicking the Show all and Clear all buttons (9.)

Viewing the Departure record

A single click on a record in the Depot list will open up a view similar to the Reservation level view.

From here the Depot staff can view bookings on this departure, the resources required, what Providers are being used, and what movements are planned.  Depot related emails can also be sent to the clients, and Customer Service and Provider category emails can be VIEWED.

Depot staff can also select and print paperwork from the Dropdown list; Accommodation lists, bag labels, Bike fitting Details, Bike/Equipment Sheet, and the Client sheet.

Depot Quick Access Menu

On the far right of the screen, is the  Depot quick access menu

Here we can view a schedule, or search for a particular departure code.  
Learn more about the Quick Access Menu by clicking on the link below this page