Company Settings - Months

Odyssey provides you a great deal of flexibility in regards to how months are managed.  

Months are managed from the Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Months

Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Months

Months form part of your financial reporting structure, and they also form part of your Company's Departure code.  Learn more about Departure codes Here

Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Company Settings | Months

Each month has a full description, along with a three digit Short code and a single digit code which is used in the Departure Code. 

The sequence field determines which month of the financial year this month refers to.  If your financial reporting year begins in July, then July would have a sequence of 1, and August would have a sequence of 2.  

The Calendar month field tells Odyssey which calendar month of the year this month is.  January is calendar month 1, and February is calendar month 2, and so on.  

Month settings