Creating and Managing Agents

Agents or Operators are external organisations which direct business to you, such as a travel agency.  Bookings which come to you via an agent may earn the agent a commission.  

Agents are managed from the Main Menu | Agents menu

The Agent List, available from the Main Menu

The Agent list view lists the Agent Name, commission rate, country, phone number, main contact name, and email address.

The Agent list can be filtered using the Options panel on the right hand side of the screen.  This allows you to filter your list by country, and agent status (Active or Archived)

Filtering the Agent List; each user can set their own filters and favourites

All Agents currently listed can be opened as a group, to enable you to work through them consecutively 

Selecting a range of Agents,then opening/viewing/editing them all at once

To add an agent

Click the + New button

Creating a new Agent from the Agent List
Name the Agent, and click continue

Enter a business name for the Agent, and click Continue

Agent Detail

Agent | Details tab
  • Enter a contact email address for the agent (watch to ensure you get the tick to indicate that the email address is valid)
  • Enter a phone number for the agent
  • Select a commission rate from the drop down list
Selecting a commission rate
  • Enter a main contact name
  • Record any notes for your reference, e.g. "Promotes Hiking - Southern Alps, Mountain Landscapes. Excellent to deal with", or alternatively, could be used to describe the classification or relationship with the agent, e.g. Operator, or Agent. The content of the notes field will be displayed in hover text on the Agent/Operator list.
Notes on the Agent record show in hover text in the Agent/Operator list

  • The status of the Agent type can be changed from Active to Archived or Deleted if the item is no longer in use

Agent Address

Agent | Address tab
  • Enter full street address details for the agent, along with postcode and fax number
  • Enter the website URL for the agent
  • Enter the URL for the trips the agent is promoting
  • Use  the Advertised Trips field to list your trip masters that this agent promotes

Agent Bookings

  • As bookings come in to you from an Agent:
    • From the Method drop down list, select Agent
    • From the Agent Name field, select the name of the Agent
    • Enter an Additional / Agent reference number if you have been provided one
  • If all of your bookings on this Departure are being referred via this agent, use the copy (multiple page icon) buttons above each field to copy the data to the other bookingsTo learn more about making bookings, click Here
This booking has been referred by an Agent
  • ensure any appropriate costs or discounts on this booking have the Agent Commission calculation tick box selected.  Learn more about the charges settings Here
Tick here to indicate if this Agent fees apply to this charge
  • These bookings then appear on the Agent | Bookings view.  This view lists any bookings made via the agent, along with the value of the booking, the commission payable, the Agent reference number, the booking name and departure start date 
Agent | Bookings view

To learn more about financial reporting on commission, click Here

To find out the commission owed to an agent on each booking

Learn more Here