I have updated a Master/Package, how do I update the Departures/Trips/Tours

I made a change to one of our Master/Packages, and now I need that to flow through to all the Departures/Trips/Tours that were made with it.  Can I do that?

Sure! Just open the Master, and click on the Quick Access button at the right hand side of the screen

Quick access menu
  • Click on Update to Trips/Departures/Tours

  • Select a season for the Departure/Trip/Tours records you wish to update
  • If you want to update the current season, from today's departures only, click the tickbox
  • There are tickboxes which represent each of the tabs of your Master.  Select the tabs you wish to push changes to, if for example you have just changed some Providers, or Daily text
  • Alternatively, click Select all
Mass Departure refresh - pushes your changes to all Departures/Tours on this season

  • Intentionally there is no update offering for the Details Tab info,  as the details tab is only a starting point for a Departure, and everything depends on who is on the Departure, eg: Briefing time, - this needs to be 'per' Departure, and cannot be overwritten - since that information will have gone out the client via an email etc.