What if our provider doesn't have a fixed address

Q:  Most of the time your accommodation providers are likely to have fixed addresses, but if your accommodation provider is an Airbnb or similar, how do you enter their address, as you need to provide your client's an address, but also the drivers for shuttle and bag movements.

A:  Use the "manual address" function on the provider record

Step 1 - Create a new provider record from the Provider List, for each District. Use a generic provider name, such as * Manual address - Kurow, or  Kurow - Airbnb, and on the address tab, tick the manual address box.    Specify the trail it operates on, and then create a generic product and price.

Setting up a Manual Address Provider record
Create a manual address Provider for each District

Step 2 - Now, when you create a Departure, and are adding Accommodation (and / or) Bag movements, a Manual Address Provider will display in your shortened District list. 

A manual address appears in the Providers District list

Because each of these [ Manual Address * LOCATION ] Providers are defined as a 'Manual Address', Odyssey treats them differently, and new options display when you use one of these. A Manual Address tab appears on your Accommodation tab.

On the Manual Address tab, you can enter all of the location details for this address.

  • The first and second address lines, circled above, are the fields that are printed on the Bag labels, so please ensure you use Address line 1 as the actual address, not the name of the Provider, as it's this field which gets used on the labels, as well as on the Driver's manifest
  • Use the "Get" button to populate the Lat/Long co-ordinates; this assists with the bag sequencing order Depot level
  • Use the Notes field, also circled above, to record the name of the Lodge or Chalet, etc, and also the directions for the Directions document
  • On the Departure Accommodation screen the Manual address is displayed slightly differently too.
Manual address on the Departure's Accommodation screen,displayed in orange text, and with a manual address icon

And on the Bag movements tab, Manual address are also displayed in orange text.

Bag movement tab, showing manual addresses in orange text
  • When you open one of those movement days, there is a 'Enter' / 'View' button for the address details.
  • Note: If these Bag movement records have been populated from the Accomm records, then this address info is ALREADY entered for you.
  • If you are only doing Bag Movements (no Accom), then you can enter the manual address using these buttons.

Entering a manual address for daily bag movements, at Departure level

  • ALL of these details flow through onto the individual Client bookings, when you create the Booking record AFTER these Departure details have been entered. Otherwise you would use the 'Refresh from Departure' button, to get the info, without the need to re-key it.
  • The manual address information flows onto the labels automatically 
Odyssey's fabulous luggage labels, showing the Manual address on 12 November