How can I tell if there are already bookings on the shuttle?

While making new Departure shuttle bookings, It is possible for Reservations staff to have visibility to see if other Departures have bookings on this same shuttle. 

  • Hover over the right hand side of a Departure's shuttle movement until it appears orange, then click to edit it

If there are other bookings on this shuttle, an extra tab appears on the shuttle movement window.  This is the "In Use" tab.  (If there is not a 'match' for the Run/Sector/Date/Time... this tab is not available).

It lists other departures booked on this shuttle on this day, and includes the Departure code, how many passengers are booked, and notes for the driver, which go through to the manifest.  The list is sorted by the departure creation date. 

Custom Shuttles already have a similar feature, where any Vehicle/Date matches will display the corresponding data... so it is possible to utilise a Vehicle more than once per day... eg; if the am/pm times are ok to do so.

Note that this feature is at Departure level, and not at Booking level.