Cognito Forms Fields

Cognito Forms is an Advanced Module

This is a comprehensive list of each Odyssey field name that can be used in the creation of your Cognito Form.

Adding new fields in Cognito Forms

  • To add a new field to your form, open up the Form, go to the Build tab, and click into any of the empty placeholders on your form.  (Click the + button) Learn more about working in Cognito Forms here
  • The forms we provide you normally have the following fields included. They can be re-added to your form if they have been deleted.
  • We do not automatically support the inclusion of any additional fields in Odyssey

Confirming Client Details

Field Description Label Field Name
Booking Description L3Description
Booking Reference L3Code
Start Date DateStart
First Name Name
Last Name Name
Address Line 1 Address
Address Line 2 Address
City Address
Country Address
Phone Cell
Email Email
Age Age
Date of Birth DOB
Bike Model AssetModel
Size Size
Your height (cms) Height
Medical Conditions MedicalConditions
Medications Medications
Dietary Preference Diet
Cycling Experience Experience
Advise Provider of Dietary Considerations Advise
Emergency Contact Details - Contact Name EmContactName
Emergency Contact Details - Contact Relationship EmContactRelationship
Emergency Contact Details - Contact Email EmContactEmail
Emergency Contact Details - Contact Phone EmContactPhone
Passport Number Pass No
Date of Issue DateOfIssue
Date of Expiry DateOfExpiry
Passport Nationality PassNationality
Place of Issue PlaceOfIssue
Dietary Notes DietaryNotes
DO NOT DELETE - L1 Code L1Code
DO NOT DELETE - StaffEmail StaffEmail

Equipment Rental Agreement

Field Description Label Field Name
Booking Reference L3Code
First Name Name
Last Name Name
Phone Cell
Address Line 1 Address
Address Line 2 Address
City Address
Country Address
Email Email
Signature Signature
Number Days NumberDays
Date Start DateStart
Date End DateEnd
DO NOT DELETE Do not Delete
DO NOT DELETE - Staff Email StaffEmail
DO NOT DELETE - Asset Model AssetModel
DO NOT DELETE - AssetSize AssetSize
Start Date DateStart
End Date DateEnd
No. Days NumberDays

Provider Booking Request

Field Description Label Field Name
Provider Name ProviderName
Booking Status L3PStatus
Provider Comments ProviderComments
Booking Description L3Description
Booking Reference L3Code
Date at Provider DateAt
Group Type L3GroupType
Room/Unit ProviderProduct
Meals Meals
Entry to Product2
Time Time
Service Product3
Group Member Names L3PaxList
Dietary Considerations L5DietaryList
DO NOT DELETE 2 ProviderType
DO NOT DELETE 3 StaffEmail
DO NOT DELETE 4 StaffFirstName
Individual Rooms Chosen L4RoomChoiceList

Conditional Fields

Some fields can be set to only appear under certain conditions.

In the example below, the top graphic is set to only appear WHEN the Form.L1Code=A2O. In other words, (in Bills Tours) if the Trail is the Alps 2 Ocean.

The graphic below it is set to appear WHEN the Form.L1Code is NOT A2O

Note that the signature field requires quite a bit of space, so we recommend making it a full width box.