7 Day View

The 7 Day View provides the Depot with a comprehensive, editable 7 day view of Briefings, Finishings, Vehicle Relocations, Scheduled Runs and Custom Runs.

The Reservations team may also have access to the 7 day view, but it is refreshed when the Depot team open their view of the 7 day View, or the single day manifest view.  As the Depot team are working in that space, and it gets refreshed based on their 'current' and short time frames.

7 DayView

From the Main Menu | Depot | Diary | click the 7 Days View button. Adjust the date from the calendar view above first, if required, otherwise it will default to 7 days beginning with today's date.

Refresh all

The 'Refresh All' button. By clicking this button, the user can choose to get fully refreshed data.  This refresh takes a short wait. Refreshing is NOT really required, if the date/s are within the next 2 weeks approx. That's because this data is most 'likely' already refreshed by someone, or not changing in the 'near' term.

Briefing Time

Odyssey allows you to filter the 7 day view for Briefings and Finishing records, to include ONLY records which Have a Briefing Time entered, or excluding those records in the total.

This can be used to EXCLUDE external operator records where their clients are handled differently, and only local depot briefing and finishing counts should be viewed.

There is a company general setting to control the default setting of this switch. Learn more here

All records will show, regardless of a briefing time being entered
Only records with a briefing time entered will be shown


The dates being displayed for the 7 Day View, are 7 days starting from the date selected. Use the calendar tool to change dates if required. Initially, the dates displayed begin with the date selected in the Depot | Daily screen's calendar tool, or today's date if one hasn't been selected.

Print, and edit the full Manifest

Above each day of the 7 days at a Glance view, is the ability to either print, or edit the entire manifest for this day.

  • The Printer icon button takes you to this preview of the Manifest for this day
The print button takes you to the pre-Preview of the Manifest
  • The pencil icon takes you directly into the Daily diary so that you can edit components
Go straight to the Daily Manifest from the pencil icon at the top of each day

Briefings, Finishing and Vehicle Relocations


Displays the number of individual clients and the number of individual departures they represent, and any bikes (bike figures are in brackets)

Clicking on the number of briefings on any day opens a pop up window which displays the departure codes, departure description, a pax count per departure, a breakdown of bike types (hire/own), and the time of the briefing.

Departures Briefings pop up window

Tip: If you have staff members doing a vehicle relocation and therefore booked on a return Walk in shuttle, you may choose to clear the briefing time from their booking, in order to not clutter up this view.

Clearing the briefing date from Staff shuttle bookings (Reservations view)
Clearing the briefing time in a Walk in shuttle booking for a Staff member (in Depot view)


Displays the number of individual clients and the number of individual departures they represent, and how many bikes that are finishing on this date

Clicking on the number of finishings on any day opens a pop up window which displays the departure codes, departure description, a pax count per finishing departure, a breakdown of bike types (hire/own), and the location the departures are finishing

Departures Finishing pop up window


View the individual Vehicle movement records, and where they need to be relocated From/to.

Clicking on the number of relocations takes you to a pop up view which lists you the departure code, departure description, the direction of the relocation, and the expected time. You can also assign/edit the Drivers from the staff drop down list.

Departures Vehicle relocation pop up window

Scheduled Runs

The scheduled runs view is a scrolling list which shows the run name, and the trail/category (L1) it operates from,the number of PAX, bike, and bag movements on each of the seven days, the staff member who has been allocated, and up to two vehicles which have been assigned to the run.

Scheduled runs view

Hover over a field until the field turns a peach colour, to click into the run; in the pop up window which appears you can reassign staff and vehicles, and view route notes, vehicle capacities, and PAX, bag, and bike counts.

A field will be highlighted in a stronger peach colour to indicate that a vehicle has not been assigned.

Scheduled runs pop up window - to change staff, vehicles

Custom Runs

7 Day at a Glance, Custom runs list

The Custom runs view is a scrolling list which shows the custom run description, the To and From locations, the name and code of the Departure, departure time.

Hover over a field until the field turns a peach colour, to click into the custom run; in the pop up window which appears it also you can edit the staff member who has been allocated, and up to two vehicles which have been assigned to the run, and any driver notes.

A field will be highlighted in a stronger peach colour to indicate that a vehicle has not been assigned.


As a very valuable tool to assist with staff and vehicle rostering, the Filters button at the top of the page allows you to filter the view, to find only specific staff or vehicles.

The Filters button on the Depot - 7 Days at a Glance
Filtering for specific staff
Filtering for specific vehicles