Master - Library

This Page is currently under development

A Master can optionally be defined as being a Tour Type of "Library".

A library master can list a range of optional day experiences in an location, which can be selected and reorganised to build a customised tour for a group.

What is a Library Master

A library Master differs slightly from other masters, as it contains a list of daily options which can be selected from to build a customised trip

The Daily Content | Daily Locations list in a Library Master, showing a range of optional days to choose from

Note that in a Library Master, the Day Column has been renamed "Options"

How do I create a Library Master?

  • Create a new Master as usual from the Main Menu | Master List | click the Create Master Button
  • Select the Library option from the Tour Type Drop down list

When creating a Library Master, Select "Library" from the Tour type drop down list

In the list of Masters, a library Master will display the master type of 'Library' in orange text
An orange field will display that this is a Library Master
  • Add Provider records, Daily Content, SMS records, etc for each optional day. They will all have column headings saying "Options" instead of "Days", as the optional days are going to be able to selected at Tour level, and resequenced

  • Provider records also show Option numbers, rather than Day numbers, and show the to and from locations, instead of the end of day locations

  • Day by Day view also lists the daily options