Provider Settings - Provider Status

From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider, select Provider Status

The Provider Status settings allow you to populate a drop down list of varying Provider statuses, such as Confirmed, Client Arranged, To Do, etc.

Select one Provider Status setting, to make it the "default" Provider status

From the Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Provider, |Provider Status

Provider Status settings

Provider Status settings

  • Tick the tick box for default, if this Provider status is to be used as the default for all new Provider bookings
  • Tick the tickbox if this particular Provider Status should be included in Odyssey's Provider Readiness calculation. Learn more about the Provider Readiness calculation here
  • Select a colour for the status
  • Enter a sort order to determine the position of this status in the drop down list, 1 at the top of the list
  • Enter a Settings Status of Archived if this Provider status is no longer used

Where is the Provider Status drop down list used?

The Provider Status drop down list is used on the Tour Level | Provider records, to indicate if this provider task is to do, waitlisted, confirmed, etc,

These same settings will be applied at booking level, unless there are exceptions at booking level.

If you wish to manage booking level exceptions, then tick the "Manage Booking level exceptions" tickbox.

Then, at Booking Level, you will see the Provider level booking status, but can override them.