Weather URL

The Weather URL function can be used in:

  • the Depot... what's the weather doing in...
  • and also in the Ody Trips app

We recommend the use of the Yr.No website.

To set up for the Depot.... what's the weather doing in:

To populate this drop down list:

  • On your computer, visit to the Yr.No website  (You may have to change the language to English, or your preferred language, from the Menu Option at the top right )

Select your preferred language in the Yr.No weather website

  • Click the search function, and enter the name of the location you want to use, and press enter.  A list of variations of that name might appear, click on the name you want.
  • A page like the one below appears
  • The "URL" of the page you are now looking at is circled in red

  • Copy this URL on the Yr.No website

  • We want to copy that URL, so highlight all the text in the URL, and select copy (by right clicking)
  • In Odyssey | Administrator | Settings | Company Settings - 2 | Location, click on the relevant district to open it up.  In the example above, we would be opening the Twizel location
  • Click on the Info tab.  
  • paste the URL into the Weather URL field
  • Click Close
  • Twizel is now a location available to be chosen from the Weather location drop down 

To set up weather URL's for the Mobile App

  • On your computer, visit to the Yr.No website  (You may have to change the language to English, or your preferred language, from the Menu Option at the top right )

  • Click the search function, and enter the name of the location you want to use for this Master, and press enter.  A list of variations of that name might appear, click on the name you want.
  • A page like the one below appears
  • The "URL" of the page you are now looking at is circled in red

  • Copy this URL on the Yr.No website
  • In Odyssey, navigate to the Main Menu | Master | Directions tab
  • Paste the URL into the Weather URL circled at the bottom of the Master's Directions page

Viewing the Map and Weather buttons data on the Mobile App:

On the main App view, looking at all of the days in a list view, those Map + Weather buttons will look for their data in this order:

1) Master / L2

2 ) Trail / L1

On the App, if you're viewing an individual day for WEATHER

1) Admin Settings | Location | Weather URL ( For the 'End-of-Day' Location )

2) Master / L2

3 ) Trail /  L1

On the App, if you're viewing an individual day for MAP

1) Daily Location Route - Map Icon/field thingie...

2) Master /  L2

3 ) Trail /  L1