Why are our Odyssey emails being blocked?
Here are some of the reasons we have found which cause problems with email delivery.
Unfortunately email delivery is not Creative Technology's field of expertise, and we recommend that you follow up with your inhouse IT team, web developers, etc.
- Is your Domain (e.g. www.yourbusiness.com) validated for use with MailJet, and does it have SPF, DKIM and DMARC records created? Please check in with us at Creative Technology at support@myodyssey.app, for confirmation.
Here's our page on creating the correct domain records, for use with MailJet : https://support.myodyssey.app/article/644-what-are-dns-dkim-and-spf-records
Anecdotally, we have noticed a higher incidence of problems sending to hotmail / live / outlook and older style (e.g. xtra.co.nz) email addresses, and these can result in the following message:
The mail server [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] has been temporarily rate limited due to IP reputation.
We have found it's easier to try to find an alternative email address for the recipient.
- The recipient may have blacklisted you. Contact them and ask them to remove you from their blacklist. They could even add you to their 'whitelist' to ensure your emails get through to them.
Whitelisting - Creates a list of trusted email addresses that can bypass filters and be delivered directly to your inbox. Whitelisting can help prevent important emails from being marked as spam, and can also help protect against phishing attempts.
Blacklisting - Creates a list of untrustworthy or spam email addresses. Blacklists are used by organizations like internet service providers (ISPs), anti-spam vendors, and free mailbox providers to prevent spam from entering their systems.
- Another reason is because your domain has been blocked from sending by Spamhaus. Here's a really helpful page on what Spamhaus is, and how to get off their blacklist. This page is designed for Internet Service Providers and System Administrators, not end users: