Client Booking - Bag Movement

Managing Bag / Luggage Movements per Client

Bags/Luggage can be moved from one location to another, automatically matching the client's accommodation bookings, stored, or sent straight through to the final accommodation destination.

Bag movements could be one of the following options:

  • Bag Storage

    Perhaps your clients are doing a loop, and will be back at your depot to pick up some excess luggage, or wish to have excess luggage stored before being sent through to their final destination.

  • Daily Bag

    These are the regular bag movements, moving your client's luggage from one night's accommodation to another.

  • Extra Bag

    Perhaps your client has an extra piece of luggage to be moved on a specific day, for example a chilly bin moved to a drop off point. 

  • Final Bag/Straight through bag

    Occasionally a client has overweight luggage, and has to leave some behind at your depot as it's too heavy to be moved by your drivers. Or perhaps simply something they have picked up along the way (like some wines from a winery tour) and wish to have this delivered to them when they arrive at their final destination. This 'bag' can then be moved directly to the final location, at a time that works for your depot.

Booking Level | Bag Movements

To add a bag movement for a booking

Clicking on the 'Refresh from Departure' Button will pull through any bag movements created by the departure record.  NOTE: Any records at Departure level will be added to the Booking level using this function

• From the Booking Movements tab, click + Bag

Adding a bag movemebnt
  • Select a bag movement category from the drop down list, and change the bag quantity if this client has more than one bag.
  • Select the date for this bag movement. Note: If this is a bag storage record, you could use the date of the trip as the date of the storage movement
  • Choose the Movement rate from the drop down list.  Learn more about Movement Rates Here
  • Choose the From and To destinations from the drop down lists, and the rate.  
  • Select whether or not this movement is chargeable by ticking the "Charge for this item" tickbox, and enter a rate.  
  • Click the override button to override the price, if that is required
  • Click the Notes tab to enter any notes if required.  Here you can enter useful notes for office staff, notes for the driver which will go through to the manifest, or notes for the itinerary. The time of the bag movement can be changed from here if required.

SPEED TIP: You can duplicate this bag movement for other days, by using the right or left arrows to navigate to another day, and then clicking the duplicate button

For a complete schedule of Bag Movements for this Departure, click the 3 day calendar button