Booking - Accommodation

Managing Accommodation selections per Client

Booking level Accommodation is managed as follows:

  • Select the Booking on the left hand side of the screen, and click on the Providers tab, then choose the Accommodation tab
  • You will see a day by day view of each Accommodation booking.  Initially these accommodation records are populated by the content of this Departure's Accommodation settings. (which in turn was populated from the Master)

  • The Departure/Tour level status of the Provider booking is shown on the left hand side of the Provider name.

  • If there are exceptions at Booking level, i.e. if a client cancels their accommodation, or doesn't want to stay every night of a tour, the exception can be noted on the right hand side by selecting a different status from the "exceptions" drop down list.

To change an Accommodation Provider details on a Booking

Changes can be made for individual bookings by clicking on an accommodation line, to open the accommodation booking screen.  

Booking level Accommodation Provider Record | Details Screen

  • From here, you can change the Provider, Provider Product, Quality, Rate Option, Number of client's per room, Rate, charging, check in time, and task status, by clicking on the drop down menu.  
Changing the Provider

  • Rate field empty?  Learn more about this Here
  • The rate can be overriden by clicking the Override button. Click Here to learn more

  • You can also record Office notes and Provider Reference details. 
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a General Ledger cost drop down list.
  • Remember, you are only making an accommodation change for this one customer's booking

Refreshing the Booking from the Departure

  • If you have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to reset this booking's accommodation records with those from the Departure, click the Refresh from Departure button

Starting over

  • If you don't want to use the default Departure records, or have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to start over with no Accommodation Bookings at all, click the Start over button

To add a new Accommodation 
  • To add a new Activity, click the  + Accommodation button

Applying this change to all other bookings

  • To apply any changes you have made on this screen to all other Bookings on this Departure, click the  Apply to All button

Provider costs

All Provider tabs list the rates being charged to the client.  The rate being charged to the client is in ORANGE text.  At the bottom of the list, there is one total cost for the client on this booking, and a second total which sums up all the other clients (including the payer) this client is paying for.  The "finance" charge is in GREEN text is what the standard cost of this item is.  Your admin/accounts team will want to know this, as a couple of things could have happened to explain the variation; the Reservation team may have given a discount, which will be picked up when the Accommodation Provider sends in their invoice, or perhaps the Provider has not charged the correct amount.  

The Finance Show/Hide button can be toggled on or off, to view the Finance cost on each record on the Booking.  This can be extremely helpful when trying to balance your cost figures!

If there is an alert on the Booking Level Provider Accommodation record, highlighted below, this is to alert the user there is a difference between the Accommodation location that a PAX is staying at, and the Provider that their bags are being moved to

Note that it's critical that this information is correct at booking level, as this is what drives the Manifest and the bag labels!

3 Day View

For a full schedule of accommodation bookings for this Departure, click the 3 day view button 

SPEED TIP: From this view, new records can be added by clicking into a specific day.  This opens up the a new "Accommodation booking" window for you to complete, as described above.  Then once you have completed this for one booking, you can fill down this selection from the TOP ROW client, onto all Clients on this Departure, by clicking on the fill down button

The small green square icon to the left of the accommodation here indicates that the booking has been confirmed.  Each Odyssey client has their own colour coding system to indicate the booking status.  Learn more Here