Booking - Meals

Managing Meal selections per Client

The Provider | Meals tab enables you to manage meals OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED with accommodation, organised by your organisation.  e.g. This could be a meal at the local pub, or winery.

Meals for your Bookings can be managed as follows:
  • Select the  Booking on the left hand side of the screen, and click on the  Providers tab, then choose the  Meals tab
Booking | Provider | Meals tab
  • You will see a day by day view of any Meal booking.     Initially these meal records are populated by the content of this Departure's Meal settings, but these can be modified as required for this Booking.

To change a Meal Provider details on a Booking

Changes can be made for individual bookings by clicking on a Meals booking line, to open the Meals booking screen.  


Meal | Details

  • From here, you can change the Provider, Provider Product, Rate Option, Rate, check in time, and task status, by clicking on the drop down menu.  
  • Tick the Charge for this item tickbox if you are charging the client for this meal.  If the price has to be overridden, click the override button.  Learn more about the override function Here
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a General Ledger cost drop down list.


Meal | Notes

Notes for the Office, Itinerary, and Finance can be created at this level.  A photograph or URL of this provider product can also be added here for inclusion in the Itinerary.  

Refreshing the Booking's Meal records from the Departure

  • If you have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to reset this booking's meal records with those from the Departure, click the    Refresh from Departure button

Starting over

  • If you don't want to use the default Departure records, or have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to start over with no Meal Bookings at all, click the   Start over button

To add a new  Meal activity

  • To add a new Meal activity, click the     + Meal button

Applying this change to all other bookings
  • To apply any changes you have made on this screen to all other Bookings on this Departure, click the   Apply to All button

3 Day View

 For a full schedule of Meal bookings for this Departure, click the    3 day view button 

3 Day view

  • This 3-Day view, provides the Res team person a quick view of all the clients on a Departure in order to double check everyone has the right Meal options selected.
  • The arrows at the top allows for moving between Booking days.
  • The columns relate to EACH Meal booking per day.   
  • You can click on ANY of those date/client record fields and add a note directly from there... This note will transpose onto any appropriate paperwork.  
  • SPEED TIP: From this view, new records can be added by clicking into a specific day.  This opens up the a new "Meal booking" window for you to complete, as described above.  Then once you have completed this for one booking, you can fill down this selection from the TOP ROW client, onto all Clients on this Departure, by clicking on the fill down button
  • The small green square icon to the left of the transport booking line here indicates the booking status. In Bills Tours, that green colour indicates that the booking has been confirmed.  Each Odyssey client has their own colour coding system to indicate the booking status.  Learn more   Here