New Seasonal Records - Master Items

Prior to any new operational season starting, there are a series of areas within Odyssey that require data entry fields to be created, so they can be managed / entered / updated as required for that season.

1.  Create a New Season

Has the new season been created yet?

Learn about creating new seasons Here

2.  Create new seasonal records for your Master/Package/Trip

All of your existing Master records relate to current or previous seasons.  New Master RECORDS for your newly created season need to be created.

As well as various new RATE records, new Seasonal records are available for these Master functions:

  • Duplicate Seasonal Master Items
  • Re-apply Seasonal Master Items

Learn how to create new Rate records, for Providers, Bikes, Extras, Movements, and runs, Here

2. a)  Mass selections - Items

  • From the Main Menu go to Admin | Seasons | New Seasonal records screen
  • Select the Duplicate Seasonal Master Items button, and work through the process to refine the selections described below

Main Menu | Admin | Seasons New seasonal records - to create New Trip Masters

Note: if any "Views' Have Been Turned 'Off' for an individual 'Trip', these options will not show as available to duplicate using this process.   

Selecting which Items to duplicate

During the duplication process it's possible to be selective about the ' Items' that should be duplicated from one season to the next.

  • First, select the Season From --> Season To 

Make selections from the dropdown lists.  

Choose the Season From and To

Note: if the same season is selected in BOTH dropdown lists, an alert will display and the fields will highlight.  The continue button will NOT be available.

  • Then, select Items to refresh

Use the Tick-Boxes to select which Items to update. You could just select the Daily (Districts /Itrinerary text, for example) Hovering over any tick-box will display the Item name. 

Or, choose Select All

Make your own selections about which Master items to duplicate, or Select All

Note: The options to push:

Resources: Bikes, Extras and Vehicles is not available, as these are not stored at Departure level

Movements: Shuttle, Bike and Vehicle Movements cannot currently be pushed to other seasonal masters

Comms: Changes to Comms records are pushed automatically to the next season's records, as those changes are made in the Master.

2b) Duplicating 'Trip' master Item records for a SINGLE 'Trip'

If you don't wish to create new Trip Masters en masse, the Quick Access pop-up window offers the ability to duplicate any / all Item records from one season to another, for a single 'Trip Master'.

Open the Master you wish to create a new seasonal record for next season, and from the Quick Access Popup menu, choose New Season.

Creating a new seasonal Master from an existing Master, using the Quick Access pop up menu
Hovering over the button will display the 'Trip' name within the Tool-tip
This screen displays the name of the 'Trip'/Master being duplicated.  No other 'Trip/Master will be modified/duplicated during this process

Does this change any existing 'Bookings?'

NO ... this process will change not any Costs or Items on current 'Bookings'.  

There is a separate process to make changes down to the 'Booking' level.  

The method explained above will NOT alter any 'Bookings' in any way.