Task Status

A 'Task Status' is way to identify Departure or Booking Provider actions.  

For example, an Accommodation Provider 'Task Status' can be 'Booked - Awaiting', or 'Confirmed', or 'To Do'.

The 'Task Status' field can be recorded and updated, at Tour level, and exceptions can be made at Booking level.

'Task Status' settings for your company are defined in Admin/Settings/ Booking Settings, see the separate support document here

Bookings has it's own Task list.  See below.

To change a Provider Status

  • On the Tour | Provider | tab hover over the appropriate provider record, and select a different status from the drop down list.


Sometimes, all bookings at this provider might be confirmed, except for one or two. You can make exceptions to the tour level status, by modifying booking level records

  • Go to the Booking tab, and select the client whose booking status with this provider is different than the one set at tour level.
  • Click on the record, a new tab opens up for this Booking.
  • Select a new Provider booking status from the drop down list, for this Booking
Changing this client's Provider booking status

On the Provider | Bookings List you will now see a different status for this client

To view a Task list

From the Main Menu | Bookings, select Tasks

The list can be filtered by the task status, provider type, and trail