Resources - Staff

The Staff menu is the space where you maintain a list of staff and their roles, plan, and perform searches.  From the Main Menu | Resources | Staff

Staff Menu options from the Main Menu | Resources

Staff List

The staff list populates various drop down lists within Odyssey, for example identifying which Reservation staff member made a booking, or for allocating drivers to shuttle runs.  Staff management in Odyssey is limited to Odyssey users, and those staff who perform operational driving roles.  

Staff List

The staff list displays the name of each employee, their Role (e.g. Driver - P licence, Depot, Reservations), the contact number, gender, and Status.

The sort order of the list can be controlled by clicking on the up and down arrows beside each column heading.  Clicking once on the upward arrow beside a particular column will sort the list in alphabetic order, based on that field.  e.g. Clicking the up arrow beside the Primary Role heading will sort the entire list in ascending alphabetic order of the Primary role (A-Z).  Clicking the down arrow beside the Primary Role heading will sort the entire list in descending alphabetic order of the Primary role (Z-A).

To search for a specific employee, use the Search tool.  Often the first few letters of the name will be sufficient, e.g. typing "Ja", then pressing enter, will display any names beginning with Ja.  Click the Show All button to reveal the full list

To shorten the staff list, so that Inactive users are not displayed, click the Active Only button

Staff members added to the staff list, and nominated as drivers, can then be selected in the Daily Diary

To add another staff member

Click the + Staff button

Add a new Staff member

Personal Tab

Staff | Personal tab

  • Enter a first and last name for this employee
  • Enter a contact email address, and check to see the tick on the address icon to ensure it is a valid email address
  • Select a Primary Role from the Primary Role field (New roles can be added in the Staff Roles area below)
  • Select a Gender from the Gender drop down list
  • Enter address and phone number details for this employee
  • The status field can be Active, Inactive or Archived

Note that staff names cannot be deleted, as there may be records against them. 

Archived status indicates that you are not likely to use this employee record again. 

Inactive means the employee is not currently working for you, but could be again in the future.  

Active means the employee is currently employed by you

This status field can be changed at any time to update the employee status. 

Medical Tab

Staff | Medical tab
  • Enter a Date of Birth, in the format dd/mm/yyyy.  
  • Select the employee's Height from the Height - cms drop down list
  • Select the employee's Weight from the Weight - kg drop down list
  • Enter the employee's Fitness level from the Fitness drop down list 
  • Select the staff member's Dietary Requirements from the drop down list
  • The Medical Condition, and Special Medications fields are free form text fields where you can keep notes for your own records

Details tab

Staff | Details tab

Store personnel records here

  • Enter the Employees Start and End Dates from the calendar fields
  • Enter the Employee's Drivers Licence Number and Drivers Licence Expiry Date from the calendar field
  • If the Driver holds a P licence, select Y from the drop down list, and enter the expiry date from the calendar field to the side
  • Enter the Expiry Date of the employees First Aid Certificate from the calendar field
  • There is a field for notes where the details of the first aid certificate, e.g. First Aid Refresher, Resuscitation, or Mental Health 1st Aid can be recorded
  • If this is a DRIVER who you wish to appear on the Staff drop down list in the Manifest and Calendars, tick the "Is a driver" box.  This means they can appear on driver related drop down lists.

Staff Roles

Staff roles can be managed here.  This links directly to the Staff Roles page in Administrator settings.  Learn more about it Here

Staff Planning

This feature coming soon!