Finance ad hoc search
There are two very powerful search functions within Odyssey, which enable you to investigate almost any aspect of your data.
Ad hoc search data - Bookings
This search enables you to search for sales data for each booking level record
Ad hoc search data - Departures
This search enables you to search for sales data for each departure /trip
How they work
Enter your search criteria as per the example below, then press Find
Each search result screen has it's own Sort tool, to enable you to group and sort, and categorise your data by Season, Trail, Master and / or Departure
The Export button, which allows you to export data to a spreadsheet for further manipulation. Learn more about exporting and getting your data into Excel Here
The Pivot button, which allows you to summarise, interrogate and analyse your data. Learn more about Pivot tables Here
For more indepth help on ad hoc searching click Here