Ad-hoc reporting

Ad-hoc Reporting

This is a very powerful feature within Odyssey, whereby selecting the 'focus' of your search using the separate Menu buttons eg: [ Booking Search | Finance Search, etc ], you can investigate almost any aspect of your data.  

Ad-hoc Searches are available for: 

  • Departures/Trips
  • Bookings/Passengers
  • Clients
  • Finance
  • Depot - Vehicles, Bikes
  • Agents
  • Resources - Vehicles, Bikes
For those who also utilise our Advanced Reporting Module, 
there is the opportunity to Export records in various ways.  
This enables further data analysis within other applications.

Ad-hoc Booking Search

When first opening the Ad-hoc search screen, popup window will display.  It will contain no previous selections.

By making a choice from the dropdown ' Select field' box, you can begin to compile your search criteria.

If your search criteria will be used often, it can be helpful to save the selections for faster use in the future

When you wish to retrieve a previous saved search criteria, use the ' Open' button to see a list of all of YOUR unique saved search option.  

Note these are not shared with other users.

Click on your choice to retrieve the saved search, and then click the Find button to perform the search

There are many options which make this search function highly configurable.  They can also be used in conjunction with additional filtering options, as in the next example

Ad-hoc Booking Search - Using Multiple filters

To help refine the data you are searching for, it is possible to add further filters to same search, by using the small green ' +' at the end of the row.  This will open another option for you to populate.

Your searches can get quite refined / complex if you require them to.

Ad-hoc Booking Search - Performing the Search

Once you have completed your search criteria, click the ' Find' button to perform the search across your Booking data.  The results will display in a list view.

The next step is to ' Sort' the data to display meaningful Sub Totals and Grand Totals.   Many Sort options are available in the 'Sort By' Pop-up box.

Once the list has been sorted, you will be able to see subtotals and Grand totals for the different categories you have selected in the sort criteria.

Your report can now be viewed onscreen, printed, or exported (for those clients who use the Advanced Reporting module).  

Ad-hoc Booking Search - Exporting the data

For those who also utilise our Advanced Reporting Module,  
there is the opportunity to Export records in various ways.   
This enables further data analysis within other applications.

Clicking the ' Export' button will present a dialog box offering two export choices.

  • Emails - will export a smaller list of just the Client's name and Email address
  • All - will export ALL columns of data available on this List view. They will be exported in the same order as they display on the list.

For help with opening the .csv file, click here

For a specific example of how to use the Bikes - Ad Hoc search function, click here

Many of the ad hoc searches have the advanced module  Pivot table functionality. Learn more about Pivot table functionality here