Booking - Cancellation

Quite frequently, especially common during COVID times, Reservations staff are requested to cancel bookings.

There are two different ways bookings can be cancelled.
1.   A booking can be cancelled, and deleted
Using this method, the booking simply disappears, and is not counted in any PAX counts, or financial figures, and can't be reported on.
Learn more about this method   Here


2.   A booking can be cancelled, but cancellation fees apply. 
PAX counts are updated, but these cancellation fees need to be shown in financials and paperwork to the client.  

Here's how to proceed with a cancellation where cancellation fees apply:

a)  Start over the booking.  Learn more about that Here

This removes all of the assignments to Providers, Resources, and Financials, wiping the booking 'clean' of existing data.  (Please remember you will need to communicate this cancellation with the Providers)

b)  Change the booking status to signal there is a cancellation fee, e.g. Rental/CX fee 

Changing a booking Status to indicate there will be a cancellation fee
  • Go back to the Booking | Finance tab and add the cancellation cost
Add a new Charge for cancellation fees to the Booking
The cancellation fee
Booking record showing the cancellation fee

Here's a tip though:
If you want to ALWAYS know the  value of these  Cancelled bookings, a recommended process would be to 
  • make the original Booking status "Cancelled"  (this way it can be reported on, and would also be really useful if they were likely to be moved to another date/departure, because all the details could stay intact)
  • and then ADD that client again, (all their details are in Ody), and make this Booking status "CANX with fees..."  (this way they can still be charged their cancellation fee)