First payment

When entering payments made by clients into Odyssey Payments (Main Menu | booking | Finance | Payments, + payment), there is a checkbox for first payment.  Ticking this box marks this payment as the very first payment made by a client, even if there are multiple payments made which have been entered out of order.

The "first paid" field appears in the departure summary popup window, and the departure list, and is there to provide an indication to you that this quote is now a 'real' booking, the client wishes to go ahead.  It means other workflows could be actioned, or you could send out a certain type of email etc.  

First Payment tick box, on a payment window

Pop up Departure Summary window

Departure List

At this time, if the First Paid tickbox has not been marked, then the first entry in the client's payments list is the entry which will appear in the Departure Summary window, and in the Departure List.

Learn more about payments here.