Booking - Finance

The Booking | Finance area is initially populated by the finance options that were chosen at the Departure level of this trip.  i.e. if a package cost of $1200 and a returning customer discount of $50 was applied at Departure level, the client's booking will also reflect that initially.  The costs for each booking can be changed at any time, and each booking on a Departure can have different costs.  

If you have made changes to costs on a client's booking, and wish to revert back to the original costs from the departure, that can be done.  

If you have made changes to costs for one client's booking, and wish to Apply those changes to every other booking on this departure, that can also be done.

There are several tabs within the Finance area per booking.  Core costs/Discounts, Paying for, Payments, Sub totals, and Totals


After the Departure and it's associated costs have been configured, each client's Booking can have it's own activities, providers, and costs, as well as payments made, adjusted to suit.  

The Costs/Discounts area is initially populated by the finance options that were defined at the Departure level of this trip.  i.e. if a Core cost of $1200 and a returning customer discount of $50 was applied at Departure level, with a tick on included, all the bookings will also show those costs initially.

If this Departure is based on a Package Master that included a Base Trip Cost, or any other costs, those costs will show in the Costs/Discounts tab.  Costs for Resources, Providers and Movements do not show here.  Check each of the appropriate tabs for those costs.

The total standard core costs for this booking is displayed in orange.

To edit a charge/discount

Click on the Cost/discount line you wish to edit

  • Tick the tickbox if agent commission applies to this cost
  • select an alternative General Ledger account code from the dropdown menu, if required
  • untick the charge box, if required
  • the price can be overridden by clicking the override button
  • enter office or finance notes

Apply to All

  • If you have made changes to costs on a client's booking, and wish to revert back to the original costs from the departure,  click the  + Apply to All Button

Note that doing this replaces any cost records on all of the other Bookings

Refresh from Departure

  • If you have made changes to costs on a client's booking, and wish to revert back to the original costs on the departure, click the Refresh from Departure button

Note that doing this replaces any cost records on this Booking

Xero Integration

  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a + Push Costs button to push the costs through to Xero.

  • The last time costs were pushed through to Xero will be displayed to the left of the button

To add other costs or discounts

Click the + Costs/Discounts button

  • Select a cost description from the drop down list
  • Enter the cost (incl GST) in the cost field (Note that the ex GST price is displayed underneath the cost)
  • Enter a Note, if required (e.g. this discount is applied because the client is a returning client)
  • Tick the charge box if the client is going to be charged for this item

Note: the Departure code for this trip is recorded above the cost description field, for your reference

Paying for

A client can pay for their own booking or pay for others.  

If a client is has nominated that someone else will pay for their booking, click the   + Paid By button, and select a payer from the list of bookings on this Departure.  

Note: The "'Paying for x Pax' field will be adjusted appropriately.

Note: changing the Payer causes a huge amount of recalculations to happen (because you may have assigned a different person to PAY for all their items), so wait a second or two after clicking the close button for it to complete the process. 

Note: a Payer can be a non-participant of the Departure/Trip, but listed on the Departure/Trip. This is managed by the Booking Status field, learn more Here.  The number of Pax correctly excludes this non-participant.  

Once another person has been nominated as a payer, the + Paid by button changes to - Self Pay.  To switch this booking back to being a self paid option, click the - Self Pay button


A payment can be a deposit, an initial payment, part payment, or payment in full, and there are a variety of payment options which are defined in your settings  Here

Each time a client makes a payment, it gets recorded on the Booking | Finance | Payments screen

To record a new payment

  • Click the + Payment button

  • Select a payment type from the drop down list
  • Enter a payment date, and tick the box if this is a first payment.  (Some Odyssey users take it that if a client makes a first payment, this is an indication that the trip is going ahead.  By double clicking a departure on the Departure Dashboard, you can get a summary which shows if and when a first payment has been made)  Learn more about the first payment feature Here
  • Enter the amount of the transaction, and if payment is by credit card, enter the credit card fee
  • Record any notes in the Notes screen

When the payment has been recorded, Odyssey will automatically record the name of the staff member who entered this payment, and enter it in grey text under the transaction.


The Booking | Finance | Subtotals screen provides you with a breakdown of the entire range of costs for this Booking.  The first row of costs shows what the client will pay for themselves, the second row shows the combined costs this client has elected to pay for.  

Costs can be displayed inclusive or exclusive of GST by clicking the appropriate radio button.


The Booking | Finance | Totals screen lists total costs for the individual payer, and combined payer.  Total costs are displayed, along with the total amount paid, and the outstanding balance, if any.  Credit card fees are also shown.


IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be two buttons:

  • Pull payments - will enable you to pull payment transactions FROM Xero TO Odyssey
  • Push Costs - will enable you to push cost amounts FROM Odyssey TO Xero

Note: the date the transactions were last pushed or pulled to Xero will be recorded above the buttons

Finance Details 

The Finance Details view is available from any Bookings | Finance tab, and provides a breakdown per Booking of core costs, bike, provider, movements.  Sub total figures are displayed.  

The Quoted figure allows you to enter the $ figure the client has been quoted, and this is what you expect them to pay.  

The custom fee is the difference between the costs itemised to the client, and the quoted figure.  

The amount of deposit paid, and further payments made, plus a balance outstanding is also displayed.

Finance notes

  • From the Finance Details page, click the Finance Notes button to view all of the various Notes - Finance text which has been recorded for this booking.   This encompasses Notes - Finance text in the 
    • Booking | Finance | Payments and Charges field
    • Booking | Provider 
    • Booking | Movements |Shuttle and Bike field
  • Note that the button will NOT show, if there are no Notes - Finance notes recorded.