Master - Finance

When creating Masters, define any Costs OR Discounts which are available to any [Departures/Trips] based on this Master.  (These costs or discounts can be filtered out at the Departure level)

Navigate to the Master | Finance

Go to Cost|Discount tab

To add a new cost, click the + Cost button

The drop-down list of Cost Descriptions will display all of the items that have been defined in the [Administration - Settings - Cost Types].  

Enter the Cost Price (inclusive of GST), trip quality that this cost applies to*, notes, GL Code,  and whether there is an Agent commission applicable.  Click the Close button

Tick the Included button if this cost is included in the Package price, and does not need to be charged separately

*If the new cost you are entering applies to all trip qualities, just enter one New Cost item and leave the quality field blank

If the cost varies between the trip qualities, then enter a new Cost item for each Quality trip offered based on this master. e.g. if this Master offers a standard and premium product, then enter a new Cost Item for the Standard quality, and a second new Cost item at a different price for the Premium product.

Sort order of items in the Core Cost Options screen

TheCost/Discount Options screen is designed to sort in alphabetic order of QUALITY order  first, as you will see in the below above. 
The  second sort order is RATE/$VALUE.  That is why in the example below, the line entry for the e-bike Upgrade has been placed last, as it's quality field is blank, leaving it at the bottom of the list.  

See here for more info on adding or editing Cost Types: