Master - Resources
Resources are items such as Bikes, Accessories, Extras, which are used on the Departures and or Bookings based on this Master.
The VIews tab allows you to manage which resources will be visible on any Departures or Bookings based on this Master.
If an item is not required, set the orange eyeball button beside the tab name to say Hide
To learn about the Views to all button, click Here
Create a list of bikes suitable for this trail.
To add more bikes to this list, click the + Bike button
To remove a bike from the list, click the - button to the right hand side of the record
To edit a bike click on the record
Record any notes against the bike, and indicate whether it is to be charged or not.
Included - Tick the Included box if the item is included in the Master/Trip package price
Charge - Tick the Charge box if this item is chargeable over and above the package price
For clients using our Asset Inventory system, Pre & Post days can be allocated
This allows for each Bike type to have a different number of Pre / Post days:
Description "Pre use" field
From the Drop down list, choose the description suited to allocating time prior to the bike being available for booking. This is likely to be something such as "Relocation", to allow you to get the bike moved from the end of one trail, to another, or "prep" to allow you a day to set the bike up for the next clilent. Specify the number of days required for this task from the drop down list.
Description "Post use" field
From the Drop down list, choose the description suited to allocating time prior to the bike being available for booking. This is likely to be something such as "Servicing", to allow time for the bike to be serviced, prior to rebooking, or "relocation". Specify the number of days required for this task from the drop down list.
Note: Walk-in Masters might not require any pre or post days, it's over to you :-)
Click the Close button
When a new client is added to a Departure/Tour or even when an Departure/Tour is created with numbers of PAX , the "included" bike from the Master will be added to the Client's Resource/Bike details. Plus, it will create all of the Bike Hire day records AND if it's been defined on the Master, it will also create the Pre & Post records (which are not shown to the user - unless they use the Inventory Module)...
Accessories are items additional items, which are non chargeable, such as helmets, that could be required, or desired, on this Trail.
To add more extras to this list, click the + Accessory button
To remove an accessory from the list, click the - button to the right hand side of the record
To edit an item, click once on it
Included - Tick the Included box if the item is included in the Master/Trip package price
Charge - Tick the Charge box if this item is chargeable over and above the package price
Click Close
Extras are items additional items, which are chargeable, such as panniers, that you might want to include on this Master for this trail.
To add more extras to this list, click the + Extras button
Included - Tick the Included box if the item is included in the Master/Trip package price
Charge - Tick the Charge box if this item is chargeable over and above the package price
Record any notes which could be of interest to the office, e.g. Provided to cycle to/from Braemar
Click Close
To remove an Extra from the list, click the - button to the right hand side of the record
To editan Extra, click on the record
Included - Tick the Included box if the item is included in the Master/Trip package price
Charge - Tick the Charge box if this item is chargeable over and above the package price
Click Close
Equipment - no longer used
Staff and Vehicles
Just a note on these - you may have noticed that there is no Master record for either Staff or Vehicles.
This is by design, as they are options that get decided at the time of the Departure... and are not 'standardised' like the other elements on the Master.