Master - Providers

A provider is an organisation which provides a service to your business, whether that is for Accommodation, Activities, Transport, Meals, or something else

The various Provider types are set up Here

Create your own Providers from the Provider List in the Main Menu.  Learn more Here

Each Trip Master defines which Provider/s are generally used for each activity.  Note that Providers can be substituted at the Departure and Booking level also

From the Master, go to the Providers tab, and click + Provider


The views tab allows you to control which Provider functions are available on this Master.  This has the benefit of allowing you to manage Departures and Bookings more easily.  e.g. if your business never offers Meals on trips based on this master, turn the view of that function off.

Accommodation / Activity / Transport / Meals / Other

Add any providers which will be automatically added to any Departures/Trips based on this Master.  Substitutions can be made in the Departure itself, and in Bookings.


To add any Provider to this Master, Click the + Accommodation (or + Activity or + Transport or + Meals or + Other  button)


Here you can specify the Provider, which day of the trip, a general ledger code,  a product, the room optionpayment type that this provider prefers, whether or not confirmation is required, and a check in time.  Click the x button to close the window.


Office Notes:  Enter any office notes about this product, e.g. it can only be booked in addition to other accommodation, or  add $100 to the package price if using this product, or this is suitable for guide accommodation only.

Staff/Guide Notes: Enter any notes about this product for staff/guides, e.g. speak to the manager to request additional heating in this room

Itinerary Info 

Notes - Itinerary

Any additional notes, unique to this Master can be entered here; record any text that you would like your client to know about this provider's product on their itinerary.  Anything entered here on the Master will be in ADDITION to any text stored on the Provider and Product Product.  This note will also get pulled through to the Departure's Itinerary.


If there is a unique URL for this product, enter it here


An Activity Provider is one who provides fun activities for your clients while they are on their Departure, such as a winery visit, visiting a chocolate factory, or a penguin tour.


Transport Providers generally provide transport services such as train rides, or helicopter flights.

If this Master includes one of these transport options, add a new record for it by clicking the Add Transport button.  Note, these Providers will be included in your Master, but any additional or substitutions can be made in the Departure or Booking level.

Select a Provider from the Provider drop down list (tick the show all button if you can't see the provider you are looking for on this Trail).  

Change the Day of the trip if required using the small orange arrows

Select the Product offered by the provider from the Drop down list, the rate, and the quality if required

Select the payment type from the drop down list, the general ledger code this transport option would be charged to, and the time of day of the departure.  

Tick the charge for this item field if the client is going to be charged for this item over and above the package price

Record any notes in the Office Notes field, e.g. this provider likes customers to be there one hour before takeoff for a safety briefing and weigh in.

Click Close 


If your package includes visiting a local pub or restaurant, add it to the Master. These meal Providers will be included in any subsequent Departure or Bookings, but additional or substitutions can be made at the Departure or Booking level

To add another meal provider, click the + Meals button

Select a Provider from the Provider drop down list (tick the show all button if you can't see the provider you are looking for on this Trail).  

Change the Day of the trip if required using the small orange arrows

Select the  Product offered by the provider from the Drop down list, the rate, and the quality if required

Select the  payment type from the drop down list, the general ledger code this transport option would be charged to, and the time of day of the booking.  

Tick the  charge for this item field if the client is going to be charged for this item over and above the package price

Record any notes in the  Office Notes field, e.g. all feedback from previous customers say the roast of the day is wonderful!

Select the Meal type from the drop down list

Press Close 


Other Providers can be places such as your own Depots, an I-site location, or Info centre

Add other providers by clicking the + Other button

Select a  Provider from the Provider drop down list (tick the show all button if you can't see the provider you are looking for on this Trail).  

Change the  Day of the trip if required using the small orange arrows

Select the  Product offered by the provider from the Drop down list, the rate, and the quality if required

Select the  payment type from the drop down list, the general ledger code this other option would be charged to, and the time of day if applicable. 

Tick the  charge for this item field if the client is going to be charged for this item over and above the package price

Record any notes in the  Office Notes field, e.g. It's a good idea to get to the bus station half an hour before departure to organise a ticket

Click  Close