Master - Movements
Movements are the movements of people, bags, bikes, and vehicles. To learn more about Movement types click Here
The Master Movements settings control all the Movements which are STANDARD on any Departures or Bookings based on this Master. Movements can be added or deleted at the Departure, or Client level.
The Master | Movements | Views screen determines what functions are available when making Departures and Bookings based on this Master
If an item is not required on this Master, click the orange Hide button beside the item
To learn about the Views to all button, click Here
This is where you build a shuttle route for People on these Masters, with time or quality options if you offer them, for your clients to choose from to build their itinerary
To create the shuttle offerings on this Master
Click the + Shuttle button
Select the Run from the drop down list. The run drop down list is built up in system settings here
Select a Day number for this shuttle movement, by clicking the orange left and right arrows
Select a sector from the drop down list
Close the window
This is now a shuttle offering for clients using this master. It can be used for to shuttle people and bikes
Before it can be used by bookings for either the pax or bike movement, choose a default rate to be used by clicking the + sign for Clients and or bikes
If this shuttle movement is chargeable over and above the package price, or is not part of a package price, then tick the Charge for this item box
Office Notes and/or Notes for the Itinerary will be pulled through from the Run Sector. (if these notes have been updated after the master was created, click the small double semi circular arrows to refresh the notes)
If this shuttle movement for people should, or could, also trigger a bike movement, your Master movement record will look like this:
Custom Shuttle
A custom shuttle is a non-scheduled shuttle, and can be used in instances where you offer your own services, or those of an external provider to provide PAX, Bike, or Bag movements specific to your group, which aren't shared amongst other groups.
Your group may be staying in one location and shuttled to and from different bike starting locations each day, and an external provider may be providing this service for you.
Set up the Provider
- Add the external provider/s as a transport provider in your provider list before you begin, and ensure that there is a tick on the "Moves clients and or Bike" or "Moves Bags" tick boxes
Add the Custom Shuttle on the Master
- On the Master Movements Custom tab, click the + Custom button
Enter a Description for the custom shuttle movement; this could be "Day 1 transfer to start of trail", "Collect from evening meal", etc.
Enter the start location and finish location. These will show back on the Custom Shuttle movement tab.
Enter a time, and adjust the day if required
Select a Provider from the Provider drop down list at the bottom of the pop up window
Enter any Office Notes, or Notes for Itinerary, or Notes for Driver. (The note for driver might contain the 4 digit pass code to get thru the gated area for an Airport pick-up, where Taxis only can park... or maybe it's where to park for a certain Accom pickup.)
Bags (or Luggage) can be moved from one location to another, matching your client's accommodation settings.
To add a bag movement to the Master, click the + Bag button
Select a Bag Movement Type from the drop down list. For example, this could be Bag Storage, Daily Bag, Final Bag. The bag movement type drop down list is built up in system settings Here
Select a Day number for this bag movement, by clicking the orange left and right arrows
Select a From Location from the drop down list, and a To Location from the drop down list
Tick the Show all button if you want all Providers to be available for selection at the Departure level
Select a quality from the drop down list
Select a Movement (Rate) from the drop down list
Enter any notes which which you would like to appear on all Departures based on this Master. For example, you might write, 'Delete this bag movement if xxxx'
If this bag movement is chargeable over and above the package price, or is not part of a package price, then tick the Charge for this item box
Use the Duplicate button if you want to make another Bag Movement just like this one
If more than one Bag per client is to be moved daily, adjust the number of Default Pax Bags
Bike (now combined on the Shuttle tab)
Bikes can be moved from one location to another, using the route management system.
To add a bike movement to the Master, click the + Bike button
Select a Bike Movement Type from the drop down list. For example, this could be a Bike Transfer for Hire Bikes, or a Bike Storage.
Select a Day number for this bike movement, by clicking the orange left and right arrows
Select a Route Product from the drop down list. This is a route sector, e.g. Twizel-Mt Cook at 9am
Select a quality from the drop down list
Enter any notes which which you would like to appear on all Departures based on this Master. For example, you might write, 'Delete this bike movement if xxxx'
If this bike movement is chargeable over and above the package price, or is not part of a package price, then tick the Charge for this item box
Use the Duplicate button if you want to make another Bag Movement just like this one
Client vehicles can be stored for a period of days, or relocated from one location to another, as part of an itinerary. Create vehicle storage or relocation options for this Master here.
To add a Vehicle movement to the Master, click the + Vehicle button
Select a Vehicle Movement Type from the drop down list. For example, this could be a Vehicle Relocation, or Vehicle Storage.
Select a Day number for this bike movement, by clicking the orange left and right arrows
Select a Movement Product from the drop down list.
Select a quality from the drop down list
Enter any Notes which you would like to appear on all Departures based on this Master. For example, you might write, 'Delete this vehicle movement if not being used'
If this vehicle movement is chargeable over and above the package price, or is not part of a package price, then tick the Charge for this item box
Use the Duplicate button if you want to make another Bag Movement just like this one