Master - List

A list of all of your company's Masters can be obtained by going to the Main Menu | Masters | List

Main Menu | Masters | List

The list displays the name of each master, the short code, number of days, Min and Max numbers (if applicable), whether it is required for Depot use (this shortens their drop down list, so that they only see walk in type of Masters), and whether it's a package or custom trip.

Masters List

Create a new master by clicking the + Master button

The Masters list can be filtered by trail, and/or by active status only.

Use the show all button to reveal all master records.  When this has been selected, the tick will appear, and the number of records will show ALL 

Use the search tool to find a specific master, or group of masters

To open a specific set of Masters, e.g. based on a country or Category

Occasionally you need to work through a subset of your masters, perhaps to update Providers, or Itinerary Content, for example. You are able to filter the Master list to your requirements, and then open that subset of masters, go to the tab you want to work on, and work your way through that subset, without having to open and close each individual master.

  • Go to the Masters List, and click Show all
  • (Make sure none of the masters have ticks beside their names)
  • From the Optional Country drop down list, choose which Country
  • a reduced set of records will show
  • Click the tickbox up beside "Name" on LHS to put green ticks on every master in this reduced list
  • Click "Open selected" on the RHS
  • All the selected Masters are now opened
  • You can use the < and > buttons to work your way through those selected Masters, on any tab you are working on