Tour/Departure and Booking - Finance
The finance tab is where financial arrangements are recorded for this Departure/Trip
Charges | Discounts
Tour level and Booking level finance charges are managed here
Learn more about Charges and Discounts here
Paying for
To make one person the payer for all people on the Departure, on the Departure tab select the person, then go to the Finance| Paying for tab. Click the Paying for all button.
The Hover text shows that when you press the button, all of the other Clients on the same Departure, will all have their Paid By records change to be the person you are currently viewing.
Client Summaries
This screen provides you with a summarised breakdown of all costs associated with the Departure, right down to each Booking level. The client values are all that the client ever sees.
This view provides a summary of each client/booking's costs, including the standard charges, and bike, providers, and movements costs, which are subtotalled. A deposit required value is show, along with a paid figure, and a balance figure.
There is an icon to indicate the trip organiser, and each PAYER is indicated also.
Finance Details
The Finance Details layout displays a Tour level finance breakdown, showing all bookings on the Tour, with individually itemised charges/discounts, bike hire costs, provider, and movement costs, along with the total, deposit amount calculated, amount paid, and the balance owing. This list can be viewed in Client price, or "Finance" price format.
- The client values are all that the client ever sees.
- The finance costs are the standard retail costs of the charge, what the Finance team would normally expect the client to be charged
- Where base trip costs include accommodation and movements etc, then the breakdown of those charges is shown on the finance view of the finance layout
- Wholesale figures are not reported anywhere, only stored on the provider product
This view provides a GST Inclusive detailed breakdown of each client/booking's costs, including the standard charges and or discounts, and bike and extra costs, each provider type, and each movement type.
Then there is a subtotal of the various elements, plus a grand total which includes the various elements + the charges/discounts.
Followed by the deposit required value, along with a paid figure, and a balance remaining figure.
There is an icon to indicate the trip organiser, and each PAYER is indicated also.
There is also a view to a Pivot table. Learn more about this Pivot table Here. Learn more about understanding Pivot tables Here
This layout can be viewed for the client values, or finance team values. To learn more about the the Finance Details | Client Values vs Finance values, click Here
Finance Notes
If any Finance notes have been recorded for any bookings on this trip, the Finance Notes button will appear. Clicking the Finance Notes button opens a new pop up window where you can view all Finance Notes written at Booking level on this Departure
On Departures whose pricing model is Quoted, there are two additional buttons on the Client Summaries and Finance Details tab to assist you with entering values.
- The fill right button allows you to copy all sub total values into the quoted fields on all bookings on this Departure
- Using the fill down button, you are able to apply the quoted value to all other bookings on this Departure
You are then prompted to enter the value to use for all bookings on this departure, and then click Apply
To carry on making your Departure please follow the 'Related articles' links below to add Resources, Providers and Movements, Paperwork and emails.