Tour / Departure - Movements

A movement can be in relation to People (e.g. Shuttle movement), custom, bags, bikes, or vehicles

Learn more about movement types Here

The information showing here comes directly from the Trip master that this Departure is based on, and also from the Daily locations screen that has been previously populated.  Any changes you make here before Bookings are added to the Departure, will automatically be applied to each new Booking as it is created.  

The following screens all have some common elements

Refreshing the Departure from the Master

If you have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to reset this Departure's movement records with those from the Master, click the  Update from Master button.

Note:  existing records on this Departure are replaced using this function

Starting over

If you don't want to use the default Master shuttle records, or have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to start over with no Movements at all, click the  Start over button

3 Day View

For a full schedule of any movements on this Departure, click the 3 day view button

Note: the fill down buttons have been removed from the bag movement layout.  Please use the ' Apply to All' button on the previous screen to apply the automation of copying Bag movements across all PAX in the Trip.

SPEED TIP: From this view, new records can be added by clicking into a specific day.  This opens up the a new "movement" window for you to complete.  Then once you have completed this for one booking on a departure, you can fill down this selection from the TOP ROW client, onto all Clients on this Departure, by clicking on the fill down button

The small green square icon to the left of the booking record indicates that the booking has been confirmed.  Each Odyssey client has their own colour coding system to indicate the booking status.  Learn more Here


Driver notes which are entered on the Departure (Pax, Bikes, Bags) will NOT be pulled thru onto each Booking, when the Refresh from Departure button is used. This is to avoid multiple iterations of the same text appearing on the manifest. If all bookings require the same drivers note, the driver will get that note from the Departure level note. Unique notes can be added to booking level drivers notes, as required.

To learn more about any specific movement, click a link below:

Shuttle Movements

Bike Movements

Bag Movements

Custom Movements

Vehicle Movements


The Shuttle  tab has been populated from the master record, and shows a list of possible people AND bike shuttle movements from one location to another, the time of the shuttle movement, the charge type, the number of clients from this departure on this sector, the number of hire and / or own bikes, whether the transfer is to be charged.  These shuttle movements form part of the itinerary.

The Shuttle tab incorporates both people/client movements and bike movements

The shuttle movement window lists 

  • all possible shuttle movements for people and bikes on this departure. including the date, route, and time  
  • whether the movement is charged 
  • and the total number of bookings on this departure which have selected Client/PAX Movements, Bike Hire movements, or Own Bike movements

To make these shuttle movements selectable at Booking level, they have to have a pricing option selected, so if there isn't a green tick to indicate a rate has been selected, click on the + beside the shuttle movement 

Select the Rate option, whether the item is to be charged, and the charge type.  Click the x close window button.  Note that the In Use tab here only appears if there are already bookings on this shuttle.

A green tick will now appear on this movement entry

On the Notes tab, notes can be left for the driver, for the office staff, or notes about this movement included in the itinerary.  

Departure level Driver shuttle notes do not get pushed through to booking level, as these are for group notes.  -"The Smith party would like to be collected from ..."(where everyone is doing the same thing...There are notes at the individual booking level for use when a client has a specific personal requirement.  Both the Departure level, and Booking level notes appear on the Drivers Manifest.  

A view to other bookings on this shuttle is available, by clicking on the In Use tab.  Other departures on that shuttle on that day are listed, along with any notes for the driver, and when the booking was created. Learn more about the In Use tab Here

To add a new shuttle movement

To add a new shuttle movement, click the + Shuttle button

From the Route drop down list, select the route of the new shuttle movement.  

Select the correct day from the calendar

Click the Rates button to view the Rates settings

Select the charge type for most bookings (Individual, or split equally).  

  • In a shoulder season, for example, a scheduled departure may not run, but if the group wants to go ahead anyway, you might select split equally.  So a cost of say $250 for the shuttle, divided by 5 PAX will be $50 each.   
  • Alternatively, selection individual costs means the routes timetable is referred to, and each individual will be charged that amount.  

Tick charge for this item if it needs to be charged for the bookings on this departure

Select the Rate option labelSelect a quality, if applicable

Click the Driver & Notes button to view Driver related info

  • Enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field. 
  • Click into it once the enter Office Notes.
  • Click on Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver.  Driver notes at this level relate to the entire group on this departure, and will flow through to the manifest for the driver.
  • Click on Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes
  • Click on Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes
  • Select the Driver from the drop down list
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a General Ledger cost drop down list.
  • Choose a quality from the drop down list if required

To change an existing shuttle movement

  • Click  once on an existing shuttle movement entry to edit it.


Bikes can be moved from one location to another, using Odyssey's Route management system.  Bike movements need to be defined at Departure level first, and then selected for the clients at booking level.  

To add a Bike Movement to this Departure

Create a new Bike movement for this Departure, by adding/defining it at SHUTTLE level

Read the section on adding a shuttle movement above.  Any shuttle movements defined for this Departure are also available for bike movements.

TIP:  If you attempt to add a bike movement by Click the  + Bike button, you will get a message advising you to add it from the + Shuttle button on the shuttle screen

  • Once movements have been defined at shuttle level, it is available for adding detail to on the Bike movement tab
  • Step 1- Click on the orange Plus button on the bike movement record you wish to populate 

  • Step 2 - Enter the Bike Movement product (e.g. Return to base, or Hire Bike Transfer) you expect most of the group to use, and indicate whether this should be charged for at booking level.

  • Enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field.  Click into it once the enter Office Notes
  • Click on Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driverClick on  Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes Click on  Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a  General Ledger cost drop down list

To change an existing bike shuttle movement

  • Click once on an existing bike shuttle movement (on the right hand side, where it goes orange when you hover over it) to edit it.

Using the fill down button

This fill down will copy the bike movement Product record from the first record down to any other existing records. It does not create new bike movement records, and will not function if the first record is empty.  The charge tick, and any pricing override does not get filled down, as it is considered that each bike huttle movement is considered to be a unique instance.


This view is currently being upgraded. If your view doesn't look like the images below, please use this link to find Help instead:

A custom Shuttle is used when a standard Shuttle time/date does not match the needs of a group booking. Custom Shuttles can be created and charged for to provide the flexibility or needs of the group booking. These are generally a private shuttle with no other 'non' group people able to book on it. 

These are the flexible Departure level element that lets you pick when a group will be picked up, and moved somewhere else on the trail.

At the time of writing, custom shuttle settings are not defined at Master level. So set up your custom shuttle from afresh at Departure/Trip view, as there is nothing to be pulled in from the Master.

To add a Custom Shuttle to this Departure

  • From the Departure | Movements | Custom tab

  • Click the + Custom button

The Custom Movement screen appears

  • Type a Description for this Movement
  • Check that the date is correct, adjusting using the calendar tool if required
  • Enter a start and end location from the drop down lists.  These are freeform fields, so you can type "Queenstown", or even "outside the Pig and Whistle"
  • Select the departure of the custom shuttle  time from the hour and minute drop down lists, and set am or pm
  • The charge tick will be off by default. Clicking the charge button will trigger the rate fields to appear

  • Select a rate, either individual or split equally

If split equally is selected, enter a price in the  Rate field, e.g. 100

Then select the number of people sharing the cost, e.g. 3, and Odyssey will calculate the per PAX price and display it to you

If individual is selected, enter a price per person in the Client Box

Enter the prices for Hire Bike, Own Bike and Bag movements

Tick/untick the following tick boxes as required:

  • Charge for these items
  • Agent commission calculation
  • Print on the Itinerary. This is currently set to be on, by default.
  • Show price on the Itinerary. This can't be ticked on, if you have unticked "Print on the Itinerary"


The notes tab provides you with an opportunity to record a range of notes, as well as driver and vehicle information.

  • Enter any  Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field. 
  • Click into it once the enter Office Notes.
  • Click on  Notes - Driver, and the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver    Click on  Notes - Itinerary, and the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes    Click on  Notes - Finance, and the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes
  • Select the  Driver from the drop down listSelect the Vehicle from the drop down list
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a  General Ledger cost drop down list

To change an existing custom shuttle movement

  • Click once on an existing custom shuttle movement entry to edit it.
Custom shuttle showing on Daily Diary

To learn more about managing and viewing custom shuttles, click here


Bags/Luggage can be moved from one location to another, automatically matching the client's accommodation bookings, using the Route management. 

Departure level Bag Movement tab, showing an alert

To add a Bag Movement to this Departure

Click the  + Bag button

The Bag Movement screen appears

Select a Category of movement from the drop down list, e.g. Bag storage, Daily bag, or final bag

Enter a quantity of bags involved in this movement, from the drop down list

Check that the  date is correct, adjusting using the calendar tool if required

Select a From location from the Drop down list.  Click the show all button if you don't want your 'From' locations restricted to the selected area

Set the time

Select a  To location from the Drop down list.  Click the show all button if you don't want your 'To' locations restricted to the selected area

Select a movement rate from the drop down list, e.g. regular, rural, rural +

Enter notes in the Office, Driver, and Itinerary fields if required

Tick charge for this item if the movement is going to be charged

IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a General Ledger  Account code drop down list to modify.   Select an account code from the drop down list.

To change an existing bag movement

Click once on an existing bag movement entry to edit it.

TIP:  If you are working on a departure based on a Custom Master, don't forget to add Bag Movement from the last night accommodation back to the Depot - as it's needed to be added manually, it can easily be overlooked.

Bag Movement Alert

An alert will appear on a bag movement (and on the corresponding Provider record), when at Departure level, the Accommodation and Bag transfer movement Provider records do not match. This could be because you have changed an accommodation provider, and not the corresponding bag movement record, for example.

Bag movement alert
The hover text on the Bag Movement alert explains that the Departure Level, Accommodation and Bag Transfer movement Providers, DO NOT MATCH


Vehicles can be stored for 'x' of days, or relocated from one location to another, as part of an itinerary.

To add a Vehicle movement to this Departure

For each vehicle on this departure that requires relocation, click the  + Vehicle button

The Vehicle Movement screen appears

Check that the  date is correct, adjusting using the calendar tool if required

Select a Vehicle Movement Type from the drop down list, e.g. Vehicle storage, or vehicle relocation

Select a Vehicle Movement Product (section of the route) from the drop down list, e.g. Clyde to Middlemarch

Select the departure of the vehicle movement time from the  hour and minute drop down lists, and set am or pm

The Notes tab allows you to store the Vehicle Make, Registration, and colour.  

Record any notes for the Office; an alert added here is a great way to ensure that your staff remember to add a return shuttle for the driver who is doing the vehicle relocation.

Record any notes to be included in the itinerary; this could say "As arranged your vehicle will be relocated directly to your accommodation, and the keys left at the counter of the Little River Art Gallery"

Record any notes for the Driver/Depot; this could say "Please leave the keys at the counter of the Little River Art Gallery before 2.30pm"

To change an existing vehicle movement

Click once on an existing vehicle shuttle movement entry to edit it.

Note:  Once this movement is set up at Departure level, it will need to be applied at the Booking level for the relevant client.  It may also need to be removed from other clients, as it's likely that only one vehicle is going to be relocated per departure.