Tour / Departure - Movement - Transfer or Custom Shuttle

A Custom Shuttle (or otherwise known as a Transfer) is used when a standard Shuttle time/date does not match the needs of a group booking. Custom Shuttles can be created and charged for to provide the flexibility or needs of the group booking. These are generally a private shuttle with no other 'non' group people able to book on it. 

These are a flexible Tour level element that lets you pick when a group will be picked up, and moved somewhere else on the trail, to your depot, or to their accommodation, etc.

Custom shuttle settings can be defined at Master level. If a custom shuttle has been defined on your master, it will automatically be added to your Tour.

To add a Custom Shuttle to this Tour

  • From the Tour | Movements | Transfer or Custom tab

  • Click the + Transfer or Custom button

  • The Custom Movement | Details screen appears


Tour | Movement | Custom Movement | Details

  • Type a Description for this Movement, e.g. Airport pickup
  • Check that the date is correct, adjusting using the calendar tool if required
  • Enter a start and end location.  These are freeform fields, so you can type any text that suits your requirements, e.g. "Queenstown Airport", or even "outside the Pig and Whistle"
  • Select the departure of the custom shuttle  time from the hour and minute drop down lists, and set am or pm
  • Select the status of the transfer, e.g. Confirmed, on hold, cancelled
  • If you don't operate the shuttle run yourself, choose an external operator from the drop down list:
Selecting an external operator

  • Add this Provider as an "Other Provider" too, so that you can then use the Provider email tab to email this provider as required

In the top left corner of every custom movement tab is a count summary of movements on this tour


To apply this shuttle transfer to each booking:

  • From the Tour | Movement | Custom | Bookings tab
  • click the Quick Add button
Tour | Movement | Custom Movement | Bookings

  • Click on a Booking level record to edit the details if required:

Click on a booking level record to edit it's details
  • Click the tickboxes to choose if it is simply a passenger booking, or if they are adding a hire/own bike to the shuttle, and a bag.
  • Click the Override button to edit the default price
  • Click the tickbox if this item is chargeable
  • Click the tickbox if Agent commission applies to this movement
  • click the tickbox if this item should appear in the Itinerary, and in the Mobile app


  • Select whether the rate is to be charged individually or split equally amongst the group:

If individual is selected

  • enter a price per person in the Client Box, and whether there are additional charges for Hire Bike, Own Bike, or Bag movements.
Tour | Movement | Custom Movement | Prices - Individually

If split equally is selected

  • enter a price in the  Rate field, e.g. 120,
  • Then select the number of people sharing the cost, e.g. 2, and Odyssey will calculate the per PAX price and display it to you

    Tour | Movement | Custom Movement | Prices - Split Equally

Tick/untick the following tick boxes as required:

  • Charge for these items
  • Agent commission calculation
  • Print on the Itinerary. This is currently set to be on, by default.
  • Show price on the Itinerary. This can't be ticked on, if you have unticked "Print on the Itinerary"


The notes tab provides you with an opportunity to record a range of notes for the Office team, the Driver, and for the Finance team. As you add them, a tick will appear in the Notes tab to indicate that there is a note.

Tour | Movement | Custom | Notes - Driver Notes
Tour | Movement | Custom | Notes - Driver Notes

Here's a tip! IF your company is operating the Custom Shuttle then you can select the Driver and the Vehicle from the drop down lists at the bottom of the Driver notes screen.

This is not an option if you are outsourcing this custom shuttle to another operator.

Tour | Movement | Custom | Notes - Finance Notes

  • Select the  Driver from the drop down listSelect the Vehicle from the drop down list
  • IF the Accounting ( Xero API ) Advanced Module has been activated by Creative Technology for your Odyssey set-up, there will also be a  General Ledger cost drop down list

  • As you add booking records, a live count of numbers of pax, bikes, and bags on this custom shuttle movement appears

A live count of numbers of PAX, bikes, and bags on this custom shuttle movement

To change an existing custom shuttle movement

  • Click once on an existing custom shuttle movement entry to edit it

To learn more about managing and viewing custom shuttles, click here