Custom Shuttles

A custom Shuttle is used when a standard Shuttle time/date does not match the needs of a group booking. Custom Shuttles can be created and charged for to provide the flexibility or needs of the group booking. These are generally a private shuttle with no other 'non' group people able to book on it. 

These are the flexible Departure level element that lets you pick when a group will be picked up, and moved somewhere else on the trail.

At the time of writing, custom shuttle settings are not defined at Master level. So set up your custom shuttle from afresh at Departure/Trip view, as there is nothing to be pulled in from the Master.


Learn how to set up Custom Shuttle Status settings here

To add a custom shuttle

Learn how to add a custom shuttle at Departure/Trip level here or if using Odyssey v24.8 click here

To view and interact with custom shuttles

Custom shuttles can be viewed and interacted with in a variety of ways

  1. From the Departure or Booking quick access menu. This view is suited to Reservation level staff.

    The Pop up (Traffic light) menu, showing the Shuttle Schedule button

    2. from Odyssey's Main menu, click the Shuttle button. This view is suited to Reservation level staff.

The Shuttle button available from the Departure Dashboard

This view is designed for Reservation level users, and is accessible from the quick access menu, or from the main menu

  1. or from the Depot | Diary | Custom Movements tab. This view is designed for Depot level users.
The Monthly (Depot level) view of Custom Shuttle movements

Reservations level view

Reservations level view of custom shuttle movements

At this level, staff can see the individual custom shuttle movements on this day, along with their status (Private, confirmed, etc), the time of departure, price and whether PAX are paying individually or a split price, and the number of PAX, bikes, and bags currently booked.  If a vehicle has been assigned to this custom shuttle, then the capacity of the vehicle (PAX, bikes, and bags) is also shown on the left hand side of the screen.

Also, from the "View guidelines" button at the bottom of the screen, users can be taken to a page showing your own company's internal guidelines on booking shuttles. e.g. Only book two per day, or change the status to confirmed when the client has paid their deposit, or whatever your internal "rules" are.

NB: The Odyssey setting which contains the link to this Internal Guideline document is Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Resource | Custom Status (down at the bottom)

Depot Level view

The Depot level view of custom shuttle movements is a full, monthly list

  • From the Main Menu | Depot | Diary, choose a Date and optionally, a Trail, and then click on Custom Movements
Choose a Date and optionally, a Trail, before selecting Custom Movements

Depot level: Custom Shuttle movement - monthly view

The Monthly view features

  • The ability to open each record , where the underlying content can be viewed/managed
  • When a record is opened, the Notes/Itinerary tab provides the ability to change the driver and the vehicle allocated to this movement, as well as recording a note for the driver to view on the manifest

Customise the underlying content of the custom shuttle movements
Notes for Driver and Office, on the Monthly custom shuttle / transfers view

  • The monthly list can be sorted by column headings
  • Use the arrow keys beside the month to view other months, or choose the season drop down list to view a different season
  • Export the data using the Export button, at the bottom left of the window

Exported data view of the Monthly Custom Movements
  • this monthly view is also available from the Reservations level Custom shuttle view, available from the Departure dashboard, or the pop up menu available from within any Departure