Shuttle schedule

Conveniently located from any Departure or booking window, or from the Options Panel on the Dashboard, the shuttle schedule view allows you to quickly find how many people or bikes are booked on any shuttle route on any day.  If a vehicle has been assigned to this run, then you can also view the capacity of this vehicle. (How many PAX, bags, and bikes it can manage).

From the quick access menu:

Accessing the Shuttle schedule from the Quick Access menu enables you to efficiently handle any phone enquiries, without leaving the task you are working on.

From any Departure or Booking window, navigate to the quick access menu

Quick access menu, available at Booking level - showing the shuttle schedule button

Quick access menu, available at Departure level - showing the shuttle schedule button

and choose Shuttle Schedule

The quick access (pop up) menu

or from the Departure/Tour Dashboard

The view shows each trail, by date.  

Use the trail drop down list to change the trail, (or alternatively click the show all button to show all trails) and the calendar tools to navigate to your desired date.  A live count of shuttle PAX and bike bookings is shown, so that you can see the capacity.  

The list of scheduled Shuttle runs for this date, on this Trail

Custom shuttles can also be viewed and managed from this page. Learn more about custom shuttles Here