Agent commission

Learn more about creating agents, and finding agent commission rates here

Departure level settings

On a Departure, each individual cost can be selected to have the agent commission calculated, or not.

Departure level, Agent commission calculations
Each charge at Departure level can be selected to include Agent commission calculations

Where to find how much commission has been earnt on a departure

The $amount of commission earned by an agent is displayed in multiple places:

a) on the Departure | Booking level Finance | Costs/Discounts screen

b) on the Departure or Booking | Finance Details page

Finance Details page

Note that there is a separate column which will break out the Agent cost portion

c) or on the Agent/Operator Detail | Bookings list available from the Main Menu

The Agent/Operator | Bookings tab

How to report on the Total Agent commission owed

Use the Main Menu | Finance | Departure Balances by Month report